It's come to our attention that the November production has a number of selector centers that may display one or both of the following symptoms:
1. The selector will not move from Safe to Fire, or Fire to Save. It may require excessive effort to rotate.
2. The lever's position indicator may point somewhere between 9 and 10 o'clock while the selector is on Safe (the lever should be parallel to the bore when the selector is set to Safe), as illustrated below on one of our test fixtures:
Since identifying these issues around Christmas, we've been manually checking every selector center in either the check fixture or an ARreceiver. We know a number of these affected centers have been shipped.
If either or both symptoms exist, please accept our apologies and email me
[email protected], we will promptly send out a replacement center. Furthermore, the centers that are difficult to rotate can be made to work. We do not require the old one to be returned, so for affected customers, they can keep the old one if they tinker with it to make it work, and upon request, we will provide them with levers they want to complete another set of selectors, as a way of making up for our goof up.
We have identified the causes that were responsible for these out of spec centers, January production centers will not have these issues.
Thank you