I have an AAC 762-SD inbound and wanted to rethread barrel to accept a mount offered by AAC. If I have to get it cut back to rethread, how or what determines how far it gets cut back before it affects accuracy? Do you go by a formula? Cut a little, recrown test fire and thread? Or just whatever length the customer asks?
Could I legally shorten a barrel past the existing threads, test fire, recrown and then send to you for threading and permenantly attach a mount (or would I need a Form 1)?
Or is there an already proven length pre-determined for the AK like the AMD65?
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Accuracy, from an AK? Just kidding.
Barrel length does not affect accuracy. It affects bullet velocity, which in turn gives the environment longer to apply forces to the bullet, which makes it "seem" less accurate. Cutting the barrel will not affect practical accuracy. We cut to what the customer requests.
That said, we DO NOT pull AK barrels, and if the barrel is not out of the receiver and trunnion removed, we cannot thread it for a silencer. Unfortunately, the person i would recommend to pull it, is going through a transition right now, and would be unable to accept the work, i believe.
Yes, you can legally cut the barrel and assemble for test fire, as long as you do not cut it under 16" as measured from a closed bolt face. It will need to be a legal SBR prior to cutting shorter than 16", if you plan on testing it.