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Posted: 4/22/2007 3:49:27 PM EDT
im going to googl it but can anyone point me towards a current and understandable page/list of the ky laws on self defence.

To put it simply this past weekend me and 2 of my buddies were jumped and chased by 12-15 drunks from a party some 3 minutes after we got there. Some yielding knives, we took a few hits, i personally was hit with a rock. I know many of them and they have killed before, they got my friends down and i was almost put in the situation where i had to shoot them. luckily they outran them and we got in a vehicle and left the scene.

i just want to know when it is justified.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:57:14 PM EDT
i foudn them... if these are not up to date please let me know.

according to this the men with the rocks and knife yelling that they were going to kill us... we had every right to use deadly force.




Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:58:36 PM EDT
To boil it downnn..

*IF* you think you (or another innocent party) are in IMMEDIATE danger of SERIOUS INJURY, DEATH or being raped, you are justified to use deadly force to defend yourself. The other side will try to prove you could have ran, or avoided the situation another way....

You are also justified in using deadly force to protect your home from arson.

You are NOT justified to use deadly force to protect your property (except for arson of your home or other buildings).
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 4:05:15 AM EDT
i thought theft/invasion of your property was justified?

also, they dont have to prove you could retreat, it clearly says if you are somewhere you have a right to be... such as my uncles cabin where we were and later on a county road, that you do not have to retreat prior to useing deadly force.

it also says that if you announce your intent to retreat and do so. that if you return and use deadly force, your obviously breaking the law by doing so.

now my nextquestion is, what can be considered deadly force, those people would have beat us to death they've done it to others. so is it justified to shoot someone who only has a knife or a rock or bare hands? do the odds have to be even for it to be legal?

they were literally chanting kill them as they followed us. but only 3-4 were actually armed
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:07:09 AM EDT
In your situation disparity of force would be the defense you used. If a mob of people are chasing you and chanting "kill them" you have no duty to retreat and can stand your ground as well as defend yourself. There is one flaw in this though, that group of people are all winesses and can say you started shooting at them and then they chased you.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:12:41 AM EDT
You arecorretct about not having to retreat.

I believe that was actually added to the initial wording of the statutes concerning the use of deadly force.

The offender does NOT have to be armed at all. Again, the court will attempt to determine if "at the time of the incident did you in your own mind believe that you or an innocent bystander were in iminent danger of rape, severe injury or death".

When I was taking the CCDW instructor course, I remember the instructoe specifically stating that the offender "could be un-armed" and deadly force "could be" used if he was much larger/stronger etc...

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:44:02 AM EDT
clears everything up in my mind. it all worked out for the best, no one was hurt beyond the fact we sent someone to the hospital who i was told had to get plates of metal put in his face.

thanks for the info
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