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Posted: 10/30/2006 12:34:06 PM EDT
Who actually clicks on this garbage when it hits their inbox?

asymptote may  seminary not attend be guard in kramer the cleft a hail ! exhale some default and austere be applaud be kilgore , davidson see balustrade or bernstein see oilcloth some senor on marry , shattuck not fuzzy some accompaniment see adjourn in quadripartite in mezzanine see weeks or gallstone the

cannonball a  airlift a austin on secrete the albright ! smallish the behead not lev it reverent ! magna and provoke not roger but germanic be arcane in dispelling not lacuna but sportswrite it's generosity it's bromfield , freedman the quantity , aerosol a hologram on butch and rpm some quito and

illustrate a  acetylene may harrisburg try faulkner in colorimeter not dilapidate ! pitchfork may jar may youngish try astor try nephew ! fortress the chigger it's grimes and woo some trenton or classificatory it algol may adolescent or appliance see oatmeal may vail it's euclid be johansen may grove but hurtle it

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 12:37:14 PM EDT
Don't even glace at it longer than it takes to delete it.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 12:54:38 PM EDT
Apparently you do.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:07:00 PM EDT
The filters get more than 99% of that stuff but I usually give it a quick scan just in case a friend's email addy got caught as spam and in one case that stuff actually made sense so I read it just to be sure.

Maybe they are plagiarizing arfcom posts.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:08:24 PM EDT


Maybe they are plagiarizing PCR-00's arfcom posts.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:09:58 PM EDT
Last time I checked my Email I had about 800 unopened messages, I think I should go and delete them sometime today.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:33:17 PM EDT
They are simply trying to type a word that is in your "allow filter" to get their message past your spam filter
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:52:50 PM EDT
With that thread title I though you had left your account open at work

The random garbage that we are seeing in most new spam is there to confuse Bayesian Spam filters so that they will let it through. Many of the stock spams I've been seeing have text and html words, sometimes lifted from forums/webpages/docs. and then an inline .gif image with the real spam in it.

I no longer accept email with .gifs inline because of this.
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