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Posted: 12/16/2010 8:15:00 AM EDT
I drove past this on the way to work at 6.55am this morning not a good way to go .

several trucks and cars had stopped and lots of folk just stood by the body

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:12:50 AM EDT
......so did I john, on my way to Seaforth dock, I couldnt see alot as I was on the
opposite carriageway, and It was dark, but I could see enough.

I once struck and killed a pedestrian on the M6 at Sandbach, not a very nice
experience, believe me
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:49:40 AM EDT
sorry to hear that mate , not a good thing to have stuck in your head
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:13:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:14:51 AM EDT
Sorry to hear that Tim, check my facebook status, and I'll bet you did the right thing.

With the milage we clock up as truckers, it's only a question of when rather than if something will go wrong.

Stay safe one and all.


Already seen it Tony, I even went to the inquest.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:29:15 AM EDT
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