Just sent this email to Goodwill (following a link from OhioCCW.org):
As a law abiding citizen of Ohio, and Concealed Carry Permit holder, I am appalled by Goodwill's lack of foresight in barring me from conducting business with your company.
As an Ohio CCW holder,
-I have had no felony convictions in my lifetime
-I have never been convicted of a drug offense
-I have no mental defects or disabilities
-I have passed a criminal background check
How much do you know about your other customers?
Your posting of signs barring myself and other law abiding citizens from entering your premises while allowing ALL other individuals, regardless of their criminal background or mental stability is an extremely irresponsible policy.
As a responsible, law abiding Ohio CCW holder, I am fully expecting a legal battle the first time a violent crime is conducted on the premises of an organization that prohibits concealed carry. Your signs only serve as a notice to criminals that everyone on the premises is unarmed and much less able to defend themselves.
I ask you...do you want to be the first to fight that legal battle?