Quoted: daley wants a casino. in the city. OWNED by the city. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. Funny how he waits until he controls springfield.
Didn't Blowjo propose that the state take over managing the casinos recently? Like, gee, we don't make enough in taxes, so we'll just take over, and make billions like the Native Americans on their reservations. What a great idea. Beats raising taxes, like you promised not to, though. Seems to me that if the lottery funds were used for education like they were ORIGINALLY planned to do, we'd have a state full of rocket scientists, instead of the BS shell game school funding we have. Of course, it's in the government's best interest to perpetuate itself by making people dependent on it.
Does anyone else find it fittingly ironic that the Native Americans whose land was stolen by us are in the process of taking enough of the "pale face's" money to buy it back and throw US out? Maybe they'll let us keep the swamps we gave them.