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Posted: 1/26/2009 6:30:46 AM EDT
check this out. This is in Austin

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:45:00 AM EDT
And my family laughed when  said they all needed AK's and AR's in case of Zombies. Jokes on them.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:06:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:09:22 AM EDT
Meh, I think they must have seen some brain dead hippies and assumed they were zombies!  
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:18:26 PM EDT
It was just a stupid prank until I saw that most of the signs in the city had been changed.  One actually referred to "Zombie Nazis" (possibly a reference to the newest Call of Duty game).  We shot video for it, but the producers decided not to air it on the show because they thought it might have been meant as a racial slur.....morons.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:30:47 PM EDT
Meh, I think they must have seen some brain dead hippies and assumed they were zombies!  

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:37:43 PM EDT
haha i live right there! that construction has been going on for more than a year now... i'm tired of not being able to turn east onto MLK from lamar...
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:11:40 PM EDT
Was that sign in front of the Obama headquarters?  

As slow as those highway construction workers move I wouldn't doubt that they are zombies.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:20:49 PM EDT
DAMN... that is hilarious!!!!
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