Get there early for a couple of reasons
(1) Static Display of the flying planes is open, so you can see the planes up close and talk to some of the crews. Otherwise, you have to wait for the end of the flying and there is not much time after end of show to see all the aircraft.
(2) Get good seats close to the fence to see the planes taxi past with good views.
The Park & Ride is cheap and easy and fast Cost a buck a person and was well worth it - I don't even bother to drive.
If you do choose to drive, you better be very patient and expect to spend some "idle time" waiting for the crowds in and out.
Due to security concerns, some folks have had issues bringing big backpacks.
Get a mesh or clear vinyl back pack (they sell them for school kids) at Academy
When you go in, Texas State Guard Staff will usually be the ones to check your bags, Having a semi see through Mesh makes it easy and I've never had any issues when you smile and say "nothing to hide"
I've brought waterbottles and cups, subway sandwiches, fruit and snackbars with zero issues.
A Non CHL or Open Carry area so no handgun. I always have a folder pocket knife, but I keep it deep in my pockets without having the clip outside my pocket.
Stuff to Bring
Good SPF 50 sunscreen and a wide brim hat highly suggested.
Comfy folding chairs.
Comfortable walking shoes
I have electronic ear muffs (shooting stuff) that we use. They are nice in that you can hear conversation, but it blocks out extreme noise when needed.
Weather should be great and the show will be Awesome.
The Blues were practicing today and the Afterburner Noise made the house rattle and shake...