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Posted: 10/8/2005 7:14:52 PM EDT

Pictures of the infamous broken Kobra.

AK, the most powerful assault rifle in the world. Death to optics in less than 1000 rounds!
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 2:37:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 4:02:34 PM EDT
[nelson]Haaaa haaaaa[/nelson]
Should have got an eotech!
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 5:26:14 PM EDT
Do I HAVE to take pictures of the two new EoTech boxes sitting on my gun safe? They already have homes for rifles in November and February.

Although...I do have a AK rail to Weaver adapter I could mount the EoTech on. GASP! AR style optics on an AK. NOOOOOOOO!

Also of note. The one Sig, H&K P2000, H&K USP, a Glock 23?, a double stack 1911, and Unka-Boo's FIL's beat up 1911 (the coolest looking one) had zero jams. I saw two 1911's and one Glock 21 jam.

I'm telling you...it's those .45's man! 9's and .40's all the way!
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:09:14 PM EDT
True.......but the safety on Pa-in-laws 1911 kept inadvertantly enguaging........wierd....

When I got home I checked the spring tension on the mags I was using to the brand new Glock mags I have...........WOW......time for new springs.....there is almost no tension on the old ones when compared to the new...
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