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Posted: 9/30/2005 7:59:34 AM EDT
Tannerite, machine guns and ARFCOMMERS.

Need I say more?

Sound off if you will be there!

Arabou Commando is IN.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 9:12:18 AM EDT
I got a couple of loaded up Beta-C's ready to go and a whole load of others ready to go
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 10:52:33 AM EDT
I'm planning on being there.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 2:43:31 PM EDT
I hope so, my job has not cooperated for anything lately. On the up side I do still have the ammo I bought for the last two.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 6:07:18 PM EDT
I am in.  I havent been yet so go easy.  Can I bring the old man?
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 11:55:44 PM EDT

I am in.  I havent been yet so go easy.  Can I bring the old man?

Of course you can
Link Posted: 10/1/2005 12:15:58 PM EDT
I'm going to miss this one
Going home to visit the in-laws and my folks in NYC. I haven't seen them in over 2 years
Link Posted: 10/1/2005 2:48:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2005 3:50:47 PM EDT

Were bring out several SLR15's.  I am going to let dpmmn do a beta dump!!!

Greg Sullivan "Sully"
Chief Instructor
SLR15 Rifles

You Know I have a Couple of Beta's
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 5:23:56 PM EDT
Where exactly is this shoot? Website? Directions? Entry Fee? We shoot or watch?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 5:27:29 PM EDT

Where exactly is this shoot? Website? Directions? Entry Fee? We shoot or watch?

Check the tacked thread on the top of the Minnesota Home page marked:

October AR15.com Shoot and Defensive Edge 5 Gun Shoot Oct 22nd & 23rd 2005
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 8:11:10 PM EDT
If anyone is looking for some interesting targets:

I know of a contractor that had some leftover glass blocks from a project, that he has sitting behind his building to take. I've already been told that I can take them, and they had "free" written on them until it finally washed off.

They're about 8x8x4 hollow glass blocks. And there is at least 3 or 4 boxes of them.

They're in St. Cloud, IM me for directions if you want them.
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 11:55:29 AM EDT
FTE has bowling pins how many should he bring.
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 1:53:11 PM EDT
I'm low on ammo and tannerite

I'm going to try to work some overtime this weekend so I can afford more.
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