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Posted: 10/27/2006 5:40:48 PM EDT
I may be stuck doing the dishes if I don't find something else.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 5:44:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:04:00 PM EDT
I'm planning to test fire the pink carbine at Sam's Sunday.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:11:15 PM EDT
Sleeping in, cleaning up after horses, repeat.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:22:15 PM EDT
working all weekend, as usual.

But my new AK works!

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:24:41 PM EDT

working all weekend, as usual.

But my new AK works!

The romi, or the underfolder?
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:29:20 PM EDT
Let's go shooting tomorrow
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:41:42 PM EDT


working all weekend, as usual.

But my new AK works!

The romi, or the underfolder?

The black Romi, but I had to do a ton of milling on the inside to cycle reliably with loaded mags (something we need to check next time)
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 6:45:15 PM EDT

Let's go shooting tomorrow

I'm here.....waiting......still waiting....
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 7:58:59 PM EDT
Either Auto Show, or a lot of piddly details around the house I put off until Mrs. Drang could help.
But the Auto Show is to find her a new car, so I have hope...
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:10:15 PM EDT
EW, EW, if nobody has claimed dibs on the dishes I'd like to be the first.  
I have to put up Halloween decorations in the morning, and then I was going to grab a rifle or two and head out to the range.  But if I could skip all that and do dishes for you that would be perfect.  Can I vacuum, paint, clean windows, garage, gutters, roof, etc?
I've never been this excited....

Should I have just one more Gin and Tonic?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 8:10:19 AM EDT
I have to bake the 9th layer of my wedding cake, bake the grooms cake, make about 12 batches of icing. Decorate above cakes. Decorate 49 more miniture wedding cakes, go to a rehearsal and a rehearsal dinner. Clean up my mess in the kitchen from all the baking/decorating, go to bed. Get up Bright and Early tomorrow, get the kids in their flowergirl/ring bearer clothes, get all prettied up myself (I am officiant at the wedding). Get to the hall assemble above said cakes, get Kids together for pictures, have the wedding/reception, and then MAYBE get the last 3 hours of my weekend to relax.....Oh I can't wait until this weekend is over!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 8:14:18 AM EDT
Going flying in about 2 hours.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 9:45:53 AM EDT

I have to bake the 9th layer of my wedding cake, bake the grooms cake, make about 12 batches of icing. Decorate above cakes. Decorate 49 more miniture wedding cakes, go to a rehearsal and a rehearsal dinner. Clean up my mess in the kitchen from all the baking/decorating, go to bed. Get up Bright and Early tomorrow, get the kids in their flowergirl/ring bearer clothes, get all prettied up myself (I am officiant at the wedding). Get to the hall assemble above said cakes, get Kids together for pictures, have the wedding/reception, and then MAYBE get the last 3 hours of my weekend to relax.....Oh I can't wait until this weekend is over!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an idea.  Let's all go drink at the casino and you can just pick up a cake at Costco.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 10:02:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 10:51:19 AM EDT


I'll be stuck in a cruiser working.  On a brighter note, I've handled a few calls recently that involve homeowners (goodguys) & firearms, which always makes me happy.  

I have been on Vacation for the last 6 days, You are the only Cop I have talked with...

Lets keep it that way for another 16 days.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 11:44:31 AM EDT
Well I missed this thread last night, so here I am at work.  I'm getting out of here in about 30 minutes.  Should would be nice to go shooting.

Link Posted: 10/28/2006 11:49:20 AM EDT
Werk like usual.  
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 12:02:37 PM EDT
Annual Halloween party at a friends.

Funny story related to that. I tend to carry everywhere, and one year one of the less 2nd Amendment minded partygoers spotted my piece and went to the host -- 'Did you know that guy is carrying a GUN!', to which the host replied. 'Yeah, that's XX he doesn't drink and doesn't fight. You're safer with him around.'

Gotta love my friends!
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