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Posted: 8/7/2011 8:13:51 PM EDT
I moved to Norfolk from MD about a month ago and took a local CCW class that was clearly targeted toward people who know nothing about guns.  Is there anywhere nearby where I can take a class that will actually teach me about carrying and shooting in self defense?  I'd prefer something that's a day trip, but I wouldn't mind staying overnight or a weekend long course.  
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 8:49:14 PM EDT
What exactly are you hoping to learn?

I do a class that may be what you are looking for - Introduction to Concealed Carry in Virginia
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 4:35:47 AM EDT
I don't know about the Norfolk area but there's always FPF Training.

From their website:

Conceal Carry for Self Defense
Course Purpose: CCSD is designed to prepare average citizens to apply lethal force to protect themselves and others from criminal violence.  I emphasize mental preparation for extraordinary circumstances around the principles of awareness, conflict avoidance, and de-escalation.  Students will learn weapon manipulation and acquire practical shooting skills within the context of self-defense shooting scenarios.

Granted it's in Culpeper which is clean across the state but his training has gotten positive reviews here before.

The website is http://www.fpftraining.com/ and the owner posts here quite often.  I'm sure he'll be along shortly.  

Link Posted: 8/8/2011 12:45:00 PM EDT
We do the NRA personal protection outside the home course.  http://arlingtonfairfax-iwla.org/personalprotection.html

Have one coming up in September, but the personal protection in the home course is a prerequisite.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 3:04:12 PM EDT
I definatly recommend Pat Goodale and team, his outfit is out of WV but they run a great class. I have attended several and everytime I go I am impressed

Heres a link to his handgun courses
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 6:34:25 PM EDT


I definatly recommend Pat Goodale and team, his outfit is out of WV but they run a great class. I have attended several and everytime I go I am impressed

Heres a link to his handgun courses


Pat runs one HELLUVA program.  Never a moment wasted in his classes.

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 12:30:04 AM EDT
If you're looking to stay local, Mike Lucas teaches courses out of Superior Gun and Pawn on VA Beach Blvd. It isn't high-speed, low-drag tacticool training, but he will go over the basics of CCW carrying, and self defense shooting. He's also a great guy, and a very down to earth instructor.

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:42:50 AM EDT
+1 to CCSD out of Culpeper taught by John Murphy. One of the best training values going. http://www.fpftraining.com/
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:16:02 PM EDT
thanks for the replies.  The CCSD course at FPF Training sounds like exactly what I was looking for.  PFT looks decent too, but the 5.5 hour drive would make for a long drive.
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