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Posted: 7/8/2010 4:04:04 AM EDT
Actually can I legally do it, and does his parents have to sign a waiver etc?
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 8:40:12 AM EDT
You probably just have to sign a waiver saying you are responsible for him.  I've taken my cousin who is 13 and I just had to sign the waiver for him.  Shouldn't be a problem.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 8:56:50 AM EDT
The first time I ever shot a gun, I was 10 years old and went to the Manteca Sportsmans Club with my friend and hit dad. We shot some old musket (His dad was/is really into Mountain Man things). He just took me shooting, there was nothing he needed to sign.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 11:08:09 AM EDT
Hmmmm.... Thanks for the response, but I think the times have changed, I am not sure what the laws regarding unrelated minors at the shooting range.

Calif is going bankrupt and the legislature/governor is working over-time on trying to pass a law regulaing/banning free shopping bags. So I wouldn't be surprised if there is some stupid law governing whether I can take an unrelated child to the shooting range without the legal guardian or parent.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 12:19:44 PM EDT
I have taken my son's friends many times and I always get a signed letter from a parent stating it is ok that he goes with me to shoot and also get permission to take to the hospital and get medical attention. They have either given a copy of medical card or put the info on the letter. I learned to do this from a story I heard about a child getting hurt doing a similiar thing and the parents sued the guy saying he was not careful enough or some bullshit.... Like my dad always told me when I started going shooting and hunting with him...."Better to be safe than sorry"
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 12:57:16 PM EDT
TRIG1100: Thanks for the insight. That is what I am looking for.

I am planning to take my son, and 2 of his high school buddies with me. The kid is a really nice guy, and he is really smart. I haven't met the parents of the children, but I at least want to speak them on the phone just be sure that they understand where I am going and to secure the letter.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 1:26:52 PM EDT
Standard rules apply.
1) minors need parent present or a note stating its ok to fire firearms.
2) minors can not go shooting with minors, there must be someone 21 or over.

AW laws...best not to mess with this and minors

High capacity magazines are the same as firearms and ammo in the eyes of the law.  You can not loan a hi-cap to a person prohibited by law from owning or using a firearm.

Something to think about here.  I took my 16yr old daughter and friend of hers shooting.  The girls parents were cool about it, even though there is some imagration issues with the girl, (she was born inbetween countries and her parents country no loner exist...its a messed up situation).

I found out afterward the girl was seeing a shrink for "depression" and taking meds, never thought to ask and guess what...its illegal to loan a firearm to a minor who is being treated by a shrink.  Even parents are not allowed to do it.

You need to talk to the parents, not just tell the kid to bring a note.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 1:57:01 PM EDT
CWDraco: thanks i didn't know that. There are very few resources for finding out this stuff, unless you are a lawyer that needs to know. The Calif legislature goes out of its way to make life tough for gunners.

High capacity mags are not a problem because we will be shooting revolvers.
Link Posted: 7/8/2010 4:33:59 PM EDT
When my kids friends were minors I had a "standard" letter I had the parents sign, to the effect  that "This letter confirms that for the purposes of meeting the requirements set forth in Penal Code Sections, etc etc, that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of child's name, and that I hereby give permission to Pa Danby to loan my child arms and ammunition and supervise his shooting activities.  etcetc.

The Penal Code section is pretty straight forward and I just pretty much incorporated it in the letter.

Covers yer butt in case somebody makes a stink about kids and guns, doesn't cover you for liability.

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 3:57:52 AM EDT
...its illegal to loan a firearm to a minor who is being treated by a shrink. Even parents are not allowed to do it.

Can you site code or a relavent court case? I am 99.99% sure that is Bolvine Scat.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 10:15:46 AM EDT


...its illegal to loan a firearm to a minor who is being treated by a shrink. Even parents are not allowed to do it.

Can you site code or a relavent court case? I am 99.99% sure that is Bolvine Scat.
You are right....looks like a person over 21, who is prohibited, can not loan a firearm to a minor, but no mention of the minor seeing a shrink is a prohibited person....

I take that back. I was told (without researching) that minors seeing a mental health doctor are a prohibited class. They are not without first the doctor placing them into that class and that only relates to ammo and High capacity magazines...i didnt research AWs, but I bet it is as well.


...(c) As used in Sections 12021, 12021.1, 12070, 12071, 12072, 12073, 12078, 12101, and 12801 of this code, and Sections 8100, 8101, and 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, the term "firearm" includes the frame or receiver of the weapon.

...(k) For purposes of Sections 12021, 12021.1, 12025, 12070, 12072, 12073, 12078, 12101, and 12801 of this code, and Sections 8100, 8101, and 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, notwithstanding the fact that the term "any firearm" may be used in those sections, each firearm or the frame or receiver of the same shall constitute a distinct and separate offense under those sections.

  • 12101. (a)(1) A minor shall not possess a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.

    (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply if one of the following circumstances exists:

    (A) The minor is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian, and the minor is actively engaged in, or is in direct transit to or from, a lawful, recreational sport, including, but not limited to, competitive shooting, or agricultural, ranching, or hunting activity, or a motion picture, television, or video production, or entertainment or theatrical event, the nature of which involves this use of a firearm.

    (B) The minor is accompanied by a responsible adult, the minor has the prior written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian, and the minor is actively engaged in, or is in direct transit to or from, a lawful, recreational sport, including, but not limited to, competitive shooting, or agricultural, ranching, or hunting activity, or a motion picture, television, or video production, or entertainment or theatrical event, the nature of which involves the use of a firearm.

    (C) The minor is at least 16 years of age, the minor has the prior written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian, and the minor is actively engaged in, or is in direct transit to or from, a lawful, recreational sport, including, but not limited to, competitive shooting, or agricultural, ranching, or hunting activity, or a motion picture, television, or video production, or entertainment or theatrical event, the nature of which involves the use of a firearm.

    (D) The minor has the prior written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian, the minor is on lands owned or lawfully possessed by his or her parent or legal guardian, and the minor is actively engaged in, or is in direct transit to or from, a lawful, recreational sport, including, but not limited to, competitive shooting, or agricultural, ranching, or hunting activity, or a motion picture, television, or video production, or entertainment or theatrical event, the nature of which involves the use of a firearm.

    (b)(1) A minor shall not possess live ammunition.

    (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply if one of the following circumstances exists:

    (A) The minor has the written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian to possess live ammunition.

    (B) The minor is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian.

    (C) The minor is actively engaged in, or is going to or from, a lawful, recreational sport, including, but not limited to, competitive shooting, or agricultural, ranching, or hunting activity, the nature of which involves the use of a firearm.

    (e) As used in this section, "responsible adult" means a person at least 21 years of age who is not within a class of persons prohibited from owning or possessing firearms by virtue of Section 12021 or 12021.1 of this code, or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

    (f) It is not the intent of the Legislature in enacting the amendments to this section or to Section 12078 to expand or narrow the application of current statutory or judicial authority as to the rights of minors to be loaned or to possess live ammunition or a firearm for the purpose of self-defense or the defense of others.

    For AMMO and Hi-cap mags...

    12316. (a)(1) Any person, corporation, or dealer who does either of the following shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term not to exceed six months, or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both the imprisonment and fine:

    (b)(1) No person prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under Section 12021 or 12021.1 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code shall own, possess, or have under his or her custody or control, any ammunition or reloaded ammunition.

    2) For purposes of this subdivision, "ammunition" shall include, but not be limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with a deadly consequence.

    (3) A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or in the state prison, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both the fine and imprisonment.

    12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in the state prison:....

    (22) The loan of a lawfully possessed large-capacity magazine between two individuals if all of the following conditions are met:

    (A) The person being loaned the large-capacity magazine is not prohibited by Section 12021, 12021.1, or 12101 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code from possessing firearms or ammunition.

    So it looks like unless the minor is

    1) on a 6 month weapon hold by court for statements made to a shrink,

    2) or a shrink has determined this...(f) "Danger to self," as used in subdivision (a), means a voluntary person who has made a serious threat of, or attempted suicide with the use of a firearm or other deadly weapon.

    Then its ok to let them use a firearm and ammo even if seeing a shrink.

    But heres the problem with that....I talked to the parents and didnt even know the girl was seeing a shrink. I would hope a parent who knows their kid has attempted suicide or has made statements to a shrink about suicide will not let their kid go shooting.

    What about when a parent thinks, "oh hell it was 5 months ago Johnny told us he wanted to die...he is much better now and the Doctor even said so."

    Best to talk to the parents about the maturity and mindset of the kid.

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