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Posted: 4/28/2004 5:42:13 PM EDT
I cant belive what im reading on this website .This is a total outrage .he's been compared to a kamakazi a nazi called a babykiller and a dumb jock i.i cant belive this shit. I implore each and evey arizonain and American to go to this site read for yourself and comment . i left mine under spongeknob squareballs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          http://arizona.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/17659.php                                                                              p.s. look in the other staes section . north caralina is one among others . thier even worse.fukn assholes
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 6:02:58 PM EDT

You should post this in GD.

Pat Tillman was an American above being an Arizonan.

I'm sure there are a lot of folks on the board who would take quite an interest into how an icon of selflessness in the US military like Pat Tillman was is being insulted - right along with every other soldier and Marine currently fighting the war over there.

This wasn't just a disgusting insult to Pat Tillman, it's actually a very good example of how the ignorant, hatefilled, ungrateful and selfish destroyers of America have learned to be just a bit more clever in how they spit on our troops and call them "baby-killers".

Link Posted: 4/28/2004 6:13:18 PM EDT
read the colorado onehock.gif
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 6:56:14 PM EDT
Thanks for the heads-up on this but, I won't go there. I already hate enough for 10000 mofos.
Link Posted: 5/1/2004 6:26:08 AM EDT
WELL WHAT CAN ONE SAY.  There will always be LEFT WING, EGG SUCKING,HANOI JANE/KERRY, sacks of festering dog sh-t that hid behind good Americans like Pat Tillman and then bad mouth them afterwords.  Pat gets nothing by KUDOS from the 3gshooter and company if for no other reason but telling the over rated NFL THAT HE IS AN AMERICAN FIRST.
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 4:38:45 PM EDT
Well, that site has made me realize something: liberals really are dumb. Not saying that anyone who thinks the government could use a change is dumb, but I am saying the hardcore piece of shite "war is bad and defeat is good" morons that have put up that site. I have been doing my best to reason with them, but it is almost like I am trying to reason with my sandwich at lunch. It just doesnt get through. But hey, at least I can eat my sandwich if it disagrees...
                  My name on that site is Bobby Reiley for those who want to know. Thanks Bullet_Buddy for bringing this up.
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