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Posted: 8/23/2010 7:16:34 PM EDT
Our training schedule for the remainder of 2010 and first half of 2011 has been posted here.

If you take look over the schedule; you'll see many of the courses people have taken and talked about on here. If you look close though; you'll see that we have several new offerings starting on 4 Dec. Here is a break down of some of the new courses we are offering in 2011:

    Defensive Handgun – Lowlight 1 is the first in a series of courses designed specifically to aid students in becoming more comfortable and skilled in using their handguns in a lowlight environment. Topics covered in this course include: principles of lowlight operations, handheld illumination techniques, use of the weapon mounted light, use of cover, desirable features for light selection, and more.

    Defensive Carbine – Lowlight 1 is the first in a series of courses designed specifically to aid students in becoming more comfortable and skilled in using their carbines in a lowlight environment. Topics covered in this course include: principles of lowlight operations, handheld illumination techniques, use of the weapon mounted light, use of cover, desirable features for light selection, and more.

    The Home Defense – Handgun course is a 2 day, intense intermediate level program designed to provide students with the skills and a through understanding of the principles required to successfully defend their residence while using a handgun in the event of a home invasion or occupied burglary. Material to be covered in this course includes: defensive one person clears, proper use of angles, shoot/no-shoot decision making, “crime-proofing” your residence, “safe room” concept, interacting with arriving law enforcement, and much more.

    The Home Defense – Long Gun course is a 2 day, intense intermediate level program designed to provide students with the skills and a through understanding of the principles required to successfully defend their residence while using a long gun (rifle, shotgun, carbine) in the event of a home invasion or occupied burglary. Material to be covered in this course includes: defensive one person clears, proper use of angles, shoot/no-shoot decision making, “crime-proofing” your residence, “safe room” concept, interacting with arriving law enforcement, and much more. [/li]

Each of these courses has prerequisites which will be spelled out on our website in the coming weeks. If anyone is interested in any of these courses, or any other courses shown on our schedule, please shoot me an [email protected],  a site PM, or post here with your questions. We will have online enrollment sheets available for each of these courses shortly.

Thanks for your continued support and I hope to see you guys on the range.
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 4:58:36 AM EDT
always so far away, people forget there's still a whole lot of state to the west of Charlotte
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 5:42:54 AM EDT
always so far away, people forget there's still a whole lot of state to the west of Charlotte

Find a range that will host classes and we will be more than happy to go up there and teach. Trust me; I dont like having to drive close to 3 hours from my house to teach if there are other venues.
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 12:12:19 PM EDT
always so far away, people forget there's still a whole lot of state to the west of Charlotte

You mean NC. exist west of Charlotte I thought it was just the mountains  and the foothills, I will have to check that out!
I am in eastern NC. a lot and I sure love Western side so much better.
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 12:21:54 PM EDT
I sent you an email Chris via our PMs
Link Posted: 8/26/2010 8:33:25 AM EDT
I've posted class announcements over in the training section. Take a look for more information on each of the classes and how to enroll if you're interested. Here's a link to make it that much more easy on ya: Training Forum

If you're on the fence about training with us; ask about us. We have had a great number of people from this forum and others take part in classes and many keep coming back for more.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:37:09 PM EDT
Online enrollments are now available.

Here's an added discount for everyone! If you take both classes that are being offered on a weekend (say Basic Carbine and Def Carbine - Shooting on the Move); you'll get a $25 discount off the total price of the weekend of training.

Sign up for these courses here
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