Myself, MK7669 and a new friend of ours Sue, (that we met a few weeks ago that we took our NRA Basic Pistol Instructors Course through,and is one hell of a shotgun shooter for a woman) went to the swamps and had a pretty good time.I Shot some trap for the first time, it was okay but..I'm not sold on trap as a hobby. Had more fun shooting MK7669's M1 carbine. I left my Bushy and handguns at home because I thought we would be shooting more trap than rifles. Anyway, it was a good time, lots of laughs (even though we got our asses soaked in the rain later on) fired up the barbecue and had hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch. (Tail gating at the range, gotta love that!) The ranges are pretty nice for informal target shooting, nothing exotic.
The DEC police a.k.a. "Trout Troopers"
drove by and never even stopped ,but just gave us a wave.
(Which was Fine by me, even though we were legal as always.)
Anyway, was pretty fun to get out there again. Can't wait to go again in a couple weeks with my Bushy and some handguns!