Mine's been around $300.00 here in Fort Worth. We have a 4 year old, an 18 year old and a live in sister-in-law. The dang door never stays shut. I have become the lightbulb sheriff of the house! I turn off lights everywhere I go.
I have caulked my house to within an inch of it's life by now!
At least we have a cold front coming in tonight. About damn time! It was around 100* all through September and in the 90's through today.
They also say it is gonna rain. Yeah right! And monkeys might fly out my butt! The hurricane couldn't make it rain in Fort Worth. I think my yard is a fire hazard. If it does rain my dead grass will probably wash away.
I couldn't afford to water my lawn, again. Our little town has a privately owned water company (I'm just north of Fort Worth). My water bill the last 2 months was around $150.00, not including trash. I have no pool, don't water the lawn or wash my truck. That's $150.00 for washing dishes, clothes and taking showers. Their bill this month said I used 10,000 gallons. Bullshit I did! I work for another city and know how to check for leaks- nada! Their minimum fee is $72.00 for 2,000 gallons.
I think I know which end of the stick we are getting here.
I'm gonna move to the country and live in a mud hut!