The purpose of this thread is to determine who is bringing the essentials for this overnight experience. I say those of you who will be staying the night, post in this thread to let me know who we should wait for.
Let's meet at the Smith's parking lot at the intersection of SR-68(redwood rd) and Lehi junction (not sure if this is the formal name). i say we meet at 7:00p so that we can get to the sight and set up while there is still light. I will wait until 7:15p before going to the sight.
The place I am thinking of is in a bowl (with a single tree in it) (the tree has been burned out) at the top of a hill which makes it very hard for other shooters to crossfire into our camp. it also blocks the wind. The trail is a bit rocky, but one of my buddies got to it in his mustang a while back...
I can get some wood to burn, but others should bring some to ensure we have enough. I am also going to try to have some dutch ovens for cooking and sharing.
Let me know.