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Posted: 10/25/2010 6:31:11 AM EDT

Fines for moving violations lowered for low-income Texans


Lawmakers ordered the changes so the program would have less of a financial impact on low-income Texans.

*see link for full details
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:01:11 AM EDT
How about this? Just don't break the law. Damn.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:13:09 AM EDT
How about this? Just don't break the law. Damn.

Or how about the law applies equally to everyone.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:18:52 AM EDT
How about this? Just don't break the law. Damn.

Or how about the law applies equally to everyone.

Law still applies equally to everyone........................the PUNISHMENT aka "fine" is what has changed.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:27:14 AM EDT
It's not the fine itself which is lowered, that stays the same... it's the bullshit "Driver Responsibility Surcharge" that DPS tacks on for three years for points (also bullshit) on your tickets or  certain traffic offenses. It is assessed per year if you have a certain number of points on your record. Additional surcharges also range from $100 a year for no DL to $2,000 a year for conviction of certain DWI's anywhere (not just Texas). That kind of money is unpleasant for middle class people, and is downright onerous for poor people. Plus it does nothing to further road safety.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:30:55 AM EDT

some issues should go to referendum or public vote
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:50:50 AM EDT


It's not the fine itself which is lowered, that stays the same... it's the bullshit "Driver Responsibility Surcharge" that DPS tacks on for three years for points (also bullshit) on your tickets or certain traffic offenses. It is assessed per year if you have a certain number of points on your record. Additional surcharges also range from $100 a year for no DL to $2,000 a year for conviction of certain DWI's anywhere (not just Texas). That kind of money is unpleasant for middle class people, and is downright onerous for poor people. Plus it does nothing to further road safety.

Middle Class Person - 50K income - 50K expenses; no supplemental government assistance; $100 fine = $100 fine

Poor People - 25K income - 25K expenses; supplemental government assistance; $100 fine = well, you are low income, so lets make it $50.  $50+ in free cash.

I fail to see how "Poor People" should have any different fine structure than "Middle Class People."

I bet if you asked a 25%+ tax bracket person, poor people are down right onerous to them.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 8:24:11 AM EDT

Maybe they lowered it because the government was more likely to get a payment from the lower tiered income folks if the fine was lower?  Either way, that's just plain silly.

Link Posted: 10/25/2010 8:45:45 AM EDT
This should take away any complaint lower income people have about the tax breaks for the middle and upper class.  
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 9:35:36 AM EDT
..... sucha crock of sh!t

I love watching the ghetto crickets at Walmart with their Lone Star Cards
pushing a cart FULL of groceries out to their brand new Escalade with
the 20 inch rims....

The law is applied to everyone equally in our country - and so should the punishment regardless
of self imposed, socio-economic status
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 9:40:42 AM EDT
What's next...if you are low income and murder someone you get half the sentence of a middle class person????
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:02:23 AM EDT
Let's face it.  The ledge came up with this stupidity to raise some cash.  Basically, it's a tax on driving a certain way.  Since actions have consequences the DPS finds out that, hey, poor people aren't paying these surcharges.  They're just driving on suspended licenses.  We're not getting our money.  So, what you are seeing here, is an attempt to get some money, any money out of these people.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:06:04 AM EDT
I have a friend of a friend who was a dumbass, he's unemployed and went got himself a DWI. Then pulled another dumbass, and got another DWI. Spent some time in jail, lost his license, etc. He was working with a public defender, who basically told him he was a dumbass and told him to pay his fine. He couldn't pay it, so he spent some more time in jail, then he got out, no job, no license, just basically mooched off whomever until they decided they needed him back in jail for not paying his fines.

My wife and I told him: 1) You're a dumbass! 2) Sell whatever you can, get a lawyer and see what they can do with these fines/license.

So he did.

I'm not sure what kind of deal they worked out, but he's got his license back and he's working somewhat regularly, doing odd contracting jobs a week here, a week there. I know part of it was waiving or placing these fines on hold.

I'm not quite sure if I'm satisfied that he spent enough time in jail, but I am happier that's he's trying to earn a living instead of being a wart on the ass of society. He's probably an exception to the rule though.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:14:54 AM EDT
We're all created equal, just some people are more equal than others.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 12:51:59 PM EDT
Translated - More breaks to be given to the illegal alien. They already aren't require to show proof of insurance when
getting a DL at the DPS sub station on S. Congress in Sanctuary City Austin.

If illegal aliens didn't exist driving on our streets this new, special law wouldn't come up.

Notice it was NEWS8Austin that reported it. Go figure.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 1:09:33 PM EDT
What's next...if you are low income and murder someone you get half the sentence of a middle class person????

I'd sure have my lawyer arguing for that and use this ticket fine situation as a justification.  If they are going to reduce punishment for one crime based on income, sure seems like they would have to do so on all crimes.  Unless of course they justify it that traffic tickets are not for "real" crimes, but then that could be taken to admitting they are just a revenue source.  Either way, by adjusting it based on income, it comes across more like a tax than a fine to me.  And further justification not to work hard in this country to become wealthy.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 3:02:03 PM EDT
What's next...if you are low income and murder someone you get half the sentence of a middle class person????

I'd sure have my lawyer arguing for that and use this ticket fine situation as a justification.  If they are going to reduce punishment for one crime based on income, sure seems like they would have to do so on all crimes.  Unless of course they justify it that traffic tickets are not for "real" crimes, but then that could be taken to admitting they are just a revenue source.  Either way, by adjusting it based on income, it comes across more like a tax than a fine to me.  And further justification not to work hard in this country to become wealthy.

your newsletter, where can i sign up for it?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 5:07:46 PM EDT
I'll tell you what, the government at all levels seem to begging the middle class masses to grab their pitchforks and torches and head for the castles, I mean capitals.  Sorry fucking politicians.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 8:13:46 PM EDT
Now traffic fines have a progressive structure.  Just further proof that traffic fines are more about revenue collection than public safety.  No real surprise there.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:52:36 AM EDT
The clear message this kind of crap sends is - if you're "low income", you get to get away with more stuff.

Hell, I guess if you're a minor AND low income, they'll friggin pay YOU to break the law.

This is total bullshit. Equal justice should apply.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:58:28 AM EDT
The clear message this kind of crap sends is - if you're "low income", you get to get away with more stuff.

Hell, I guess if you're a minor AND low income, they'll friggin pay YOU to break the law.

This is total bullshit. Equal justice should apply.


File a civil suit and have it invalidated.  The way to stop them is to have the courts slap them down.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 7:06:45 AM EDT
It's not the fine itself which is lowered, that stays the same... it's the bullshit "Driver Responsibility Surcharge" that DPS tacks on for three years for points (also bullshit) on your tickets or  certain traffic offenses. It is assessed per year if you have a certain number of points on your record. Additional surcharges also range from $100 a year for no DL to $2,000 a year for conviction of certain DWI's anywhere (not just Texas). That kind of money is unpleasant for middle class people, and is downright onerous for poor people. Plus it does nothing to further road safety.

And how would you feel about poor people not getting the same prison time for robbery as the middle class guy?

Here is a novel concept: same punishment for the same crime!!!!! I know, a crazy idea.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 7:41:00 PM EDT
Translated - More breaks to be given to the illegal alien. They already aren't require to show proof of insurance when
getting a DL at the DPS sub station on S. Congress in Sanctuary City Austin.

If illegal aliens didn't exist driving on our streets this new, special law wouldn't come up.

Illegal aliens can't get Texas Driver Licenses.  Proof of legal residency is required.  Non-citizens in the country legally on a visa have that noted in red letters on the license.

Surcharges can only be assessed against someone that holds a Texas Driver License or ID card.  Since illegal aliens can have neither, the surcharges have no affect on them.

Now traffic fines have a progressive structure.  Just further proof that traffic fines are more about revenue collection than public safety.  No real surprise there.

Are you saying there shouldn't be any laws regulating vehicles on public roadways? No speed limits? No stops signs?  Or are you saying that the punishment should be something other than a monetary fine?  I'm all for jail time.  Running a stop sign, one day in jail.  Speeding, one day in jail for every 10mph over the limit.  No insurance, 30 days.  No license, six months.  You want to see some careful drivers?

There has been no change to the fines, which are split between the State and the local jurisdiction.  The fines are actually fairly low for most offenses.  The court costs are frequently higher than the fines, but the violator only sees the total amount and calls it all the fine (an understandable mistake).  The court costs are mandated to be spent on certain things and don't go into the general fund.  The surcharges are what is being reduced and they only go to the State.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:32:11 PM EDT
I'm curious on LEO thoughts.  Guess more proof moving violation fines are a road tax.  So if one refuses to pay, how is time served calculated?
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:49:28 PM EDT
I'm curious on LEO thoughts.  Guess more proof moving violation fines are a road tax.  So if one refuses to pay, how is time served calculated?

I think the whole surcharge thing is kind of ridiculous. Why add years of extra fines on top of the original ticket? If a person is having trouble with money then the Judge can still lower the fine if they so choose.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:51:32 PM EDT
Translated - More breaks to be given to the illegal alien. They already aren't require to show proof of insurance when
getting a DL at the DPS sub station on S. Congress in Sanctuary City Austin.

If illegal aliens didn't exist driving on our streets this new, special law wouldn't come up.

Illegal aliens can't get Texas Driver Licenses.  Proof of legal residency is required.  Non-citizens in the country legally on a visa have that noted in red letters on the license.

Surcharges can only be assessed against someone that holds a Texas Driver License or ID card.  Since illegal aliens can have neither, the surcharges have no affect on them.

Now traffic fines have a progressive structure.  Just further proof that traffic fines are more about revenue collection than public safety.  No real surprise there.

Are you saying there shouldn't be any laws regulating vehicles on public roadways? No speed limits? No stops signs?  Or are you saying that the punishment should be something other than a monetary fine?  I'm all for jail time.  Running a stop sign, one day in jail.  Speeding, one day in jail for every 10mph over the limit.  No insurance, 30 days.  No license, six months.  You want to see some careful drivers?

There has been no change to the fines, which are split between the State and the local jurisdiction.  The fines are actually fairly low for most offenses.  The court costs are frequently higher than the fines, but the violator only sees the total amount and calls it all the fine (an understandable mistake).  The court costs are mandated to be spent on certain things and don't go into the general fund.  The surcharges are what is being reduced and they only go to the State.

Semantics .gov is taking money out of my pocket, I don't care where it goes.  I'd believe it was about safety if the # of speed traps didn't double when the economy took a dive or every small town cop wasn't hanging out on the interstate.  It doesn't help the perception that traffic courts should have a stuffed kangaroo on the wall. Then don't forget about yellow lights that are too short and red light cameras or piss poor street designs and signage with a car parked right around the corner.  

I'm all for reasonable traffic laws, but most speed limits are artificially low especially on the open highways.  It would make more sense to enforce laws against left lane 50mph morons than bust someone for going over the speed limit by 6 mph.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 5:09:45 AM EDT
Reward failure?

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