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Posted: 10/26/2010 9:02:59 AM EDT
Want to get some thoughts of the arfcom community on enacting thrugh legislation, a bypass to the states's AWB.

My idea is to start a class of recognized and authorized collectors who would be able to own all of the items on the banned by name list.  This would not affect the feature count on post-ban examples or clones.  Just for conversation, let's say that a C&R is recognized by the state gov as certifying you as a collector.  This would allow you to purchase a preban ak47, HK94, calico, feather, FN FAL, or whatever.  You would have to get a cert of possession from DPS,  the gun is transferrable in state to dealers or individuals once the COP is issued between C&R holding individuals (technically an FFL class anyways).  Anyone not holding a c&r at time of acquisition or not in posession of a cert of posession would be subject to law as is now.

The bennefit of this law is to prevent people from not moving to ct because they cannot bring their firearmss with them and to allow federally lic'd individuals from persuing their interests.  The C&R and maybe other collector status would be used as a qualifier with no pre reqs and on a shall issue basis.

It is unlikely thaT our awb is going to be struck down, so my strategy here is to to provide the legal basis for a workaround for honest collectors in good standing.  This would not affect preban firearms not already on the banned by name list.  (I.e. you do not have to do anything about a pre-ban AR15 unless it is a colt.)

Sorry for spelling.  I'm on phone, but had to get the idea on paper.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 9:18:27 AM EDT
Doubt it'll happen for 3 reasons:

A. Democrat majority in the State House and Senate - this will likely continue after 11/2/10.
2. The common, every day voter in CT has no concept of what an assault weapon truly is.  They know we have an AWB and they feel safe because "machine guns" aren't available for use.
D. C&R FFL's are federally recognized entities, not state entities, and are still subject to CT State Law.  (I could be wrong on this one, though...)
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 10:00:57 AM EDT
all good points .  Im using the C&R as an example of what would qualify as a collector in the minds of the law.  The state would recognize this and also possibly have an alternative or their own status for requirements.  This would also warm over any scaredycats regarding arms in an open market.

also regarding the dem majoritty, not worried.  dumb gun laws have been passed and repealed by both dem and repub governments.  It all comes down to politics and bargaining.  I dont want to incite further controls on existing laws, hence trying to open up a class of weapons to a special class of people, since the libs love to have different rights for those whom they deem as qualified, this  I  double sta  andard might pay off in practice.  The common every day voter really has no say on this either, but they should be comforted by what appears to be a level of federal and state approval regarding your purchases.  the realiity is that we would just revert back to aan open amnesty period with the qualifier of a collector status.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 10:52:11 AM EDT
all good points .  Im using the C&R as an example of what would qualify as a collector in the minds of the law.  The state would recognize this and also possibly have an alternative or their own status for requirements.  This would also warm over any scaredycats regarding arms in an open market.

also regarding the dem majoritty, not worried.  dumb gun laws have been passed and repealed by both dem and repub governments.  It all comes down to politics and bargaining. I dont want to incite further controls on existing laws, hence trying to open up a class of weapons to a special class of people, since the libs love to have different rights for those whom they deem as qualified, this  I  double sta  andard might pay off in practice.  The common every day voter really has no say on this either, but they should be comforted by what appears to be a level of federal and state approval regarding your purchases.  the realiity is that we would just revert back to aan open amnesty period with the qualifier of a collector status.

Now that I understand your original intent, that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.  

Regarding the red: I agree with you - partially.  I agree that dumb laws have been passed by dems and repubs, alike.  But the problem we have up here is that our Dems aren't like the Dems down South.  They're liberals and will seek any way they can to gain more control.  If that means throwing out an old law for a new law that can be used as leverage to gain more control over people's lives down the line, they'll do it.  Maybe I've got my tinfoil hat on too tight, but I really think that is something they would try to do.  I believe that we should be focusing on completely rolling over our state legislature from the top to the bottom and filling it with people who won't negotiate away our God-given rights and who will just leave us the hell alone to live our lives.  Then again, this is CT and I don't expect many people living here to think the way I do...other than my fellow ARFCommers, of course.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:21:42 AM EDT

it's a "neat" idea, but if it doesn't help a big slice of the firearms community, then that's all it really is.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:40:25 AM EDT

it's a "neat" idea, but if it doesn't help a big slice of the firearms community, then that's all it really is.

Who else could new legislation help?

My other thought would be to get colt removed in the spirit of hometown pride

Again, narrow.  But the strategy here is to plant a seed, rather than sweeping legislation.  Bundle it in with some bill for veterans or something.  This is essentially how all modern firearms laws get on the books anyways like the hughes amendment.  It was an amendment, not its own law.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:46:45 AM EDT
all good points .  Im using the C&R as an example of what would qualify as a collector in the minds of the law.  The state would recognize this and also possibly have an alternative or their own status for requirements.  This would also warm over any scaredycats regarding arms in an open market.

also regarding the dem majoritty, not worried.  dumb gun laws have been passed and repealed by both dem and repub governments.  It all comes down to politics and bargaining. I dont want to incite further controls on existing laws, hence trying to open up a class of weapons to a special class of people, since the libs love to have different rights for those whom they deem as qualified, this  I  double sta  andard might pay off in practice.  The common every day voter really has no say on this either, but they should be comforted by what appears to be a level of federal and state approval regarding your purchases.  the realiity is that we would just revert back to aan open amnesty period with the qualifier of a collector status.

Now that I understand your original intent, that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.  

Regarding the red: I agree with you - partially.  I agree that dumb laws have been passed by dems and repubs, alike.  But the problem we have up here is that our Dems aren't like the Dems down South.  They're liberals and will seek any way they can to gain more control.  If that means throwing out an old law for a new law that can be used as leverage to gain more control over people's lives down the line, they'll do it.  Maybe I've got my tinfoil hat on too tight, but I really think that is something they would try to do.  I believe that we should be focusing on completely rolling over our state legislature from the top to the bottom and filling it with people who won't negotiate away our God-given rights and who will just leave us the hell alone to live our lives.  Then again, this is CT and I don't expect many people living here to think the way I do...other than my fellow ARFCommers, of course.

Agreed.  Don't want to poke the hornets nest.  Hence I'm not touching existing AWB laws affecting postban.  On the surface my proposal should appear to yield the control that the libs seek by requiring registration through the COP and a qualified user base.  again this would only cover prebans on the awb list, so its not like someone is going to start slapping together ak74 kits with folders on them and get away with it.  Supply will constrain price, and gangbangers will not pay 2300 for a krink, but I will :)  but to the dem, it will look like further gun control and closing a loophole, when we are only opening one....

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:49:54 AM EDT
I like your idea.I believe our best bet is to chip away at the AWB. No way will we be able to get it removed all at once.
IMHO a concerted effort to continually chip away one section at a time will effectively neuter the whole AWB. Several times a year introduce legislation that removes sections or neuters sections of the AWB.
Unless of course during the next few elections we get state senators that are more 2A friendly then I say we try to remove the whole AWB.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:57:57 AM EDT
Keep the thoughts coming.  Would like to refine and possibly find lobby with coalition for ct sportsmen and other groups after election.

If the number of driveby bayonettings go up ill have blood on my hands :p

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Link Posted: 10/27/2010 5:29:22 AM EDT
i have an idea.

let's repeal both of those idiotic AWB laws.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 5:44:38 AM EDT
i have an idea.

let's repeal both of those idiotic AWB laws.

Well we can dream.

Unfortunately I think the others are on to a better way to try and chip away at the stupid laws. Push legislation that gets the foot in the door. All its going to take is to get a crack opened in the law and then take it to court with a really good complainant/case. Of course the lower courts would rule for the state, but with a good solid constitutional case SCOTUS might be receptive to throwing out things like the AWB or even things like the "suitability" clause for pistol permits. What ever is done its going to take many years to force the changes to overturn the anti gun laws.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:48:21 AM EDT
Good intentions.

I know that CT gun laws are "silly" but try and talk to the general public about them and you come off looking like a crazed nut.

I also expect that any reexamination of the Ct AWB would lead the Lawmakers to exclaim "What do you mean we don't have anything in there about evil large magazines!"
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:00:12 AM EDT
I think the best way to go after it is on legal grounds based on the Heller decision but that will take years and cost a lot of money.

I have a friend who is a state rep and I brought up a repeal of the AWB with him and he just laughed and said it will never happen.  He's pro gun but I think he realizes he needs to pick battles he's going to win.

I also know of different police organizations and officers trying to get legislation introduced so that they would be able to legally own the evil assault weapon and they have gotten nowhere in getting the law amended.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 10:55:40 AM EDT
I think the best way to go after it is on legal grounds based on the Heller decision but that will take years and cost a lot of money.

I have a friend who is a state rep and I brought up a repeal of the AWB with him and he just laughed and said it will never happen.  He's pro gun but I think he realizes he needs to pick battles he's going to win.

I also know of different police organizations and officers trying to get legislation introduced so that they would be able to legally own the evil assault weapon and they have gotten nowhere in getting the law amended.

I really think it's better to leave the issue alone until we see where the SCOTUS comes down on "reasonable restrictions".  After the big story in the Hartford Courant about open carry, it became clear that even the Dem leadership doesn't want to poke the hornets nest.  Both sides are affraid of what they will lose if it comes to the floor again.  Jepsen and Malloy might change that dynamic, but we'll have to wait and see.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 12:15:04 PM EDT
I was having this discussion with my girlfriend the other day (about concealed carry).

So we are legally allowed to carry concealed as well as open as long as you have a valid pistol permit in CT?
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 12:46:27 PM EDT
I was having this discussion with my girlfriend the other day (about concealed carry).

So we are legally allowed to carry concealed as well as open as long as you have a valid pistol permit in CT?

Technically?  Yes.  I won't because too many fellow citizens, including police officers, do not know that.  Open carry at your own risk.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 1:37:54 PM EDT
I was having this discussion with my girlfriend the other day (about concealed carry).

So we are legally allowed to carry concealed as well as open as long as you have a valid pistol permit in CT?

The CT pistol permit does not proscribe or mention method of carry. Its simply a pistol permit. There are no state statutes that mandate open or conceal carry. However, LEO's have their own views on the subject.  Some LEO's are fine with it, others are not. If stopped and detained for open carry its usually because someone called the police. The LEO's tend to use the Breach of Peace charge when they arrest people for carrying a firearm legally.

James Goldberg was arrested several years ago for his CCW firearm becoming visible while in a restaurant. In addition to his arrest, his permit was revoked and firearm confiscated.  The charges were later dropped, and I believe the pistol permit was reinstated, but as far as I know the firearm not returned.

There is at least one person (Rich_B) who has had several run in's with LEO's when he was open carrying. His experiences (including audio of one detention) can be found over on the CT Opencarry.org forum.

More on carrying in CT can be found in the CCDL Documents section.
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