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Posted: 10/6/2005 5:12:26 AM EDT
Regarding the trial of the three slain officers


We, the gun community, need to thank them.  NBC13 inevitably names ANY long gun that accepts a magazine an "assault weapon" when they get the opportunity.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 5:36:45 PM EDT
For the record, "SKS" is the new buzz word in the gunslinger community for any rifle, no longer AK.

It could be any rifle and the bangers call it an SKS now.

I saw a guy in the ER a few months ago who had been shot by a rifle while he was riding in the left back seat of a car. He got shot through the body of the vehicle AND didn't see the shooter and him and his boys were positive it was an "SKS" yet none of them saw the shooter.

Just a heads-up that "SKS" is the new buzz word for assault rifle. Which makes sense because SKS is most affordable and most available.
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