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Posted: 4/4/2017 2:06:54 PM EDT
HB-245 Burden of Proof,  HB-779 Open Carry Protection and HB-849 Guns on Church Property will all be heard on the Floor by the full House on Tuesday, April  4, 2017 at 1:30pm.


Link Posted: 4/5/2017 6:22:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/5/2017 8:25:23 PM EDT
So if I am reading this correctly
779 & 849 passed? (this is a good thing)
Link Posted: 4/6/2017 4:30:02 PM EDT
Link to 4/6/17 NRA update in OP.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 7:28:24 AM EDT
Senator Anitere Flores is killing all of the gun bills in committee.  She is evidently the new face of the GOP in Florida.  Ultra liberal, anti gun, anti American Republicans.

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 8:17:24 AM EDT
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Senator Anitere Flores is killing all of the gun bills in committee.  She is evidently the new face of the GOP in Florida.  Ultra liberal, anti gun, anti American Republicans.

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That article refers to open carry, campus carry, and airport carry which I don't believe are connected to the 3 bills I mention in this thread which are in regards to burden of proof in a self defense shooting, another temporary exposure bill, an the ability of a church that incorporates a school  to allow carry on church property when there is no school in session.

Of those 3 I believe the burden of proof/self defense immunity,  bill is the most important since prosecutors have been disregarding the original burden of proof law.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert.

It seems that in Florida, we need to pass the same laws over and over again to get the originally intended result.

For example:

State firearms law preemption.(counties and municipalities ignored the original law because there were no penalties for doing so)

Burden of proof/self defense immunity;  in a self defense shooting (we already have an "irrebuttable" legal assumption in our favor that for some damned reason is no longer irrebuttable)

Temporary exposure of a concealed firearm; we're on our second go round with that since there is already a "similar" law.

Flores will be gone from the legislature next year and I wonder who will take her place as the obligatory Republican Party Quisling who, despite the Republican super majority in both houses, always appears out of nowhere to stymie the passage of open carry, campus carry, and airport carry among other gun rights legislation.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 7:53:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 6:07:18 AM EDT
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That's the sad part of this dance - the rino lovers blindly follow in goose step as our dear leaders take turns at the trough - while continuing to screw us over....when will they learn?
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The NRA being FAR more proactive in FL would be a start. 

They've dropped the ball in numerous, catastrophic ways over the past few years. 2017 being yet another glaring example of having all the foundation for simple victories yet achieving defeat once again by one of their A rated politicians.

The NRA has failed FL gun owners so repetitively and miserably that they won't see another nickel from me until they "Stand and Fight" like they've asked me to do over and over again with fund raising drives. Their abandonment of FL is absolutely inexcusable and contemptable. 
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