This isn't a winge, well it is, but it isn't a proper winge.
On the 8th of July I ordered 100 Winchester Brass and 1000 Remington BR4 primers.
So far, every two weeks until today, sometimes once a week, I have been phoning and asking where they are.
The excuse is always something or other about a gun show and lack of stock, well, perhaps one might do well to look after existing customers as opposed to taking every last thing to the gunshow, it's not like I'm asking for an entire batch.
So, I got sick of waiting today. With AR15 parts, you expect a wait, they are controlled parts and are controlled even from point of manufacture.
Brass and primers? .....Not controlled parts. (yet).
So, I phone up to ask about getting something sent at 10am this morning, as usual am polite. Was told to expect a phone call in half an hour.
Phone back at 14:00. Was then told to await another phone call.
5 minutes later, a phone call. They could only offer me 700 primers, not an awful lot of good when I had been waiting for 4 months is it. You'd think they could have scraped 1000 BR4's together in 4 months. No honestly, you would wouldn't you.
Cue lots of excuses about Reloading Solutions not sending them. I could have personally gone to reloading solutions and got them myself if I had wanted to deal direct, but if I had wanted to do that, I wouldn't have gone via the rifle store would I.
So I then ask for a refund on the primers, or it to be substituted in brass. This is where the whole situation got crazy.
They wanted to charge me £23 per bag of brass. Funny that, I had already been charged and have a receipt for brass at £14.10 per hundred.
Guy on phone tried to tell me he has now paid more for them so price has gone up.
Well, I ordered them in July when price was £14.10 per hundred so I'm not very likely going to be happy paying £23 per 100.
Will be getting a refund today with any luck.
On a plus point, they did send the KG bore cleaning fluid promptly, and it is excellent stuff.
Has anyone else had experience of buying from them? You normally hear good things. I wont be buying from them again...