I've bought a few guns from them, including my AR15. When I walk in I'm always greeted (this is a big thing for me..if I'm going to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars in a store I want to be greeted and treated like I'm actually not bothering them). Honestly, this is the ONLY store I can think of that I've been greeted every time I've walked in. Island and Citadel have each ignored me once, but I'm forgiving and gave them 2nd chances and they have done good by me since so they are good in my book.
They answer my questions. Sometimes they are good answers and sometimes they are commando answers, but I'm able to wade through all the commando bullshit.
Once, They actually pulled out a phone book that they had shot. The phone book had two holes. A smaller 9mm and a larger .45acp hole. He tried to convince me that the bigger .45 had the stopping power and the 9mm would just make whoever I shot mad. I think I countered that with a shot placement statement and he shut up.
Sometimes they try the hard sales tactics. They will slam other products..."Kimber is the ultimate, Springfield 1911's suck. Taurus PT1911...HAHAHAHAHAHA". I cant recall them ever slamming other stores though.
My AR15 purchase came after i went to American Shooters (I was a noob and this was before I knew about ar15.com so I didn't know they were bad guys back then, but i found that out on my own)...I had a pocket full of cash and walked in and asked the salesman behind the counter 'Sir, may I please see that AR15 right there" and I pointed at it...I think it was a Calvary Arms...anyways he picked it up and held it close to my face for a few seconds and said 'SEE' and put it back on the shelf and walked away. WOW...I pulled out the wad of cash from my pocket and said 'SEE' and walked out and off to the Gun Store. Right when I walked in this Phillipino guy behind the counter said 'hi, anything I can help you with?''. Told him what I was looking for, he answered my questions and ..30 mins later I paid cash for a Bushy carbine.
Went back a week later, same guy...wanted a 12g for home defense...showed me a few different options and 20 mins later walked out with one that suited my needs in the best.
When I ask to see something I've never been asked for an id. They simply ask if I have a CCW and I say yes and that's it..I've never had to pull out and show an ID unless I'm doing a purchase.
They do have their faults...but they are on my 'good gun shop' list.