Texas State Rifle Association Political Action Committee
This week, the House approved HB 991 by Rep. Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs), this TSRA and NRA-backed Concealed Handgun License confidentiality bill. The bill now moves to the Senate State Affairs Committee for consideration.
Please contact Senate State Affairs committee members, especially Chairman Robert Duncan (R-Lubbock), and urge them to consider and support HB 991. A list of committee members and their contact information can be found at http://www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/Senate/commit/c570/c570.htm.
Remember access to this private information is being used by at least one Texas company, Canon USA, as a way to threaten and intimidate their employees who might apply for a license. Employees who don't provide the company with information regarding their CHL status can be terminated.
Another important TSRA-NRA-supported bill, HB 1815 <http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/80R/billtext/html/HB01815I.htm> by Rep. Carl Isett (R-Lubbock), remains in the House Calendars Committee and has not yet been set for a vote by the full House. HB 1815 would clear up any ambiguities in the Texas Penal Code to make it clear that law-abiding Texans can possess handguns in their personal vehicles without needing a Concealed Handgun License.
Please contact the members of the Calendars Committee and politely urge them to set HB 1815 for consideration. Contact information for committee members can be found at <http://www.house.state.tx.us/committees/050.htm>.