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Posted: 8/21/2017 2:03:19 PM EDT
I plan on going and hope you all join me . We can not let these lest wing assholes bully the good people of Arizona . Fuck Stanton .  And I hope Trump pardons Joe .
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 5:57:10 PM EDT
I agree on both.  Gabbert is a better QB for the future.  However I was looking forward to Joe having to wear the Pink underpants for a day or two.
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 7:05:44 PM EDT
Im not going to that garbage.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:58:17 PM EDT
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton described the event as a largely civil celebration of First Amendment rights -- with tens of thousands of demonstrators -- but noted a "very small number of people" who chose to engage in "acts of assault on our police officers."

Stanton said the group used gas, rocks and bottles and called the incident "very, very unfortunate."

"I don't think they're affiliated with any organization," Stanton said of the individuals arrested.

He just cant say it, can he?
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