FFffuuuuu ... First TX speeding ticket...
Got a speeding ticket in Wells Co (84/70) and the clerk mailed me a form to fill out/sign/notarize and send back with money, DL copy, POI, etc.
The clerk seemed busy and I didn't think to ask all the questions I should have, so here I am
It has a check box for pleading either "guilty" or "Nolo Contendre", I don't think it even matters here but thought I would ask before I pissed off a judge.
Do I need to take the DD test before sending this back? I already bought the DD video tapes from Blockbuster but it looks like a lot more than the hour or two I expected.
I'm mostly concerned about this messing with my insurance. I've been told that this will be kept off my record if I don't have a violation within the next year. Will this be on my record until a year has elapsed?
BTW, the trooper was efficient/nice enough not to drag the stop out any longer than needed, was on my way in ten minutes
Sneaky as hell hiding spot, saw the shiny B&W hood flash as I passed him. Can usually spot these guys way ahead.
Thanks in advance