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Posted: 5/9/2004 4:41:39 PM EDT
I am trying to sell an ELCS system (it has been listed in the equipment exchange for 2 weeks). So, I finally put in on eBay. I spend all this time typing up the description, etc. One problem, my digital camera is broken right now, so I used some pictures from a Chinese or Japanese website.

Anyway, another person trying to sell an ELCS system (who happens to be from ATL) turns me in to eBay for using HIS pictures (he just happened to be using the same pictures). HIS pictures?

Thanks a lot PUTZ.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 5:28:01 PM EDT
All you have to do is say this is not the real picture and I know ebay will not charge you for that posting.  So put it back up and just tell people that your camera is down and give a good detail discription of the product you are selling.

Good luck
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 5:39:07 PM EDT
I normally wouldn't even do that. The part that pissed me off what that this guy made it sound like the pictures belonged to him, when he borrowed them just like I did.

This is from the email that he sent me at 4 freaking o'clock in the morning. Yeah, like I am going to get it at that hour.

"Remove the pictures you stole form my auction now ! "

The auction was gone before I ever got to read the message.

Thanks a lot you WEASEL!
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 7:31:58 PM EDT
It wan't ironhead_003 was it?
(  [email protected]  )
I got a message from him on my other eBay id that no one else really knows about that said:

"Dear xxxxxxxxx,

u r a dum a s s

Thank you,
ironhead_003 ".

I have no idea why he did this,I didn't snipe him and I didn't flame him and I couldn't find that id anywhere on anything I was involved in on eBay.

I didn't bother to reply to it,figuring it was a spamer or I'd get a trojan horse or something of the like.

Now that he has sold his,re list yours and see if it doesn't bring more money.
And who was he anyway,that way none of us will buy from him!

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 7:55:34 PM EDT
No, it wasn't ironhead. Just pissed me off that it was someone from ATL.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:24:33 AM EDT
I would have a REAL hard time not letting that bother me.  I don't take it so well when people screw me over.  It's one of my worst attributes.  Sorry it happened to ya.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:17:46 PM EDT
Oh, was that you?  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:28:53 PM EDT
I'm on ebay all the time. Please post this fuckhole's ID
so I can boost the price on everything he's bidding on and also
deadbeat his fucking auctions with troll accounts.
That little cocksucker!!!!!

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:40:19 PM EDT
OK, but only because you asked:


Have fun guys and thanks for the support.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:55:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:47:36 PM EDT

OK, but only because you asked:


Have fun guys and thanks for the support.

No, thank YOU!

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:49:24 PM EDT
Though I hate the terminology, does this qualify as our first covert Georgia arfkom fire mission?  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:07:09 PM EDT
Well, freepers "freep" people, do we "Arf" people?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:49:28 PM EDT
Well "steyrone" isn't selling or bidding on anything right now.
I feel cheated.

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 6:01:21 PM EDT
Please keep us posted.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 6:07:47 PM EDT

Well "steyrone" isn't selling or bidding on anything right now.
I feel cheated.

~ s0ulzer0

Give it time. I will let you know. (HeHe - This is kinda like unleashing the hounds of hell).
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:42:55 AM EDT
Gee I thought gun people were friendly people.

The truth isn't being told here! Yes I sent that e-mail to thompsondd you would too if you wake up to find an auction with 2 pictures taken out of your auction that you spent 2 hours working on that ends in 10 hours listing the same thing your selling with your pictures in it. thompsondd needs to be a man and fess up, and tell the truth.

Borrowed you don't borrow something without asking if you didn't take the pictures you stole them. Right now thompsondd is running an auction on ebay with "borrowed" pictures you don't even show the item you have for sale how do you expect anyone to buy it? Someone had to take and post those picture no different from any other kind of stealing  it's not yours! Go ahead "borrow" some pictures off AR-15.COM  and see how the owners react.

OK you found my pictures on some Japanese, Chinese web site. Post the URL here of the web site,  I will leave the pictures up in my completed auction this week the item number is 2242428312  lets compare. If you got them from another web site they stole them from me too.  Don't  tell me you can't find them now. Why do you think ebay pulled thompsondd auction? Because he stole my pictures,  I  took with my digital camera that works, hosted on my web site, and ebay knew that! Ebay would not pull an auction if I couldn't prove they were mine.

Thompsondd  instead of whining here and talking trash about me and how your a victim grow some balls and admit your mistake and you may get some character in the process. But you could never do that in front of all your buddies now could you?

If you want I will send you  the crappy blue sheet I put on the floor when I took the pictures for my auction  in China or was it Japan? notice the wrinkles I still can't iron. Look up my other completed auctions on ebay same crappy blue sheet it's my trademark now! I know in Japan or China everything is photographed on a crappy blue sheet.

Here is the e-mail I got  from ebay:


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Original Message Follows:

Form Message
Subject:[Reporting Image/Text Theft #2243162577

User Feedback: 25
User State: ?01

Browser Info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

Topics > Safe Trading > Protection Programs > Protecting Intellectual
Property > Image or Text Theft;

Item number(s) reported: 2243162577 [$US US L10]

Picture or text taken from item: 2242428312 [$US US]

What was copied: Took 2 pictures from this auction

The rest of you need some serious help:

"Though I hate the terminology, does this qualify as our first covert Georgia arfkom fire mission?"

Covert? you clowns are about as covert as a tornado you post this in a public forum?

"Give it time. I will let you know. (HeHe - This is kinda like unleashing the hounds of hell)."

Misguided morons more like it, and he giggles like a girl.

"I'm on ebay all the time. Please post this fuckhole's ID
so I can boost the price on everything he's bidding on and also
deadbeat his fucking auctions with troll accounts.
That little cocksucker!!!!!"

Well if that's all you can muster whip it out! I'll bring the blue sheet and we can take some pictures for thompsondd.

I hope none of you are any older than your late teens because that is your current emotional, and mental state. I hate to think if  a bunch of overweight, balding, 40ish mall ninja have nothing better to do with their lives than this.

To think I fight for your second amendment rights, PUKE, PUKE......

Its a small world but I would  hate to paint it.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:13:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:16:07 AM EDT
Woa dude, chill out for a bit.

A member here reported he was wronged by an unknown (to us) local seller of milataria.  His report was read by some of us, but I can assure you NO ONE HERE would act on any accusations without first doing our own research.

I see you are very new to the ebay scene, and seem to be satisfying your customers.  If this member did lift your pics, it is easy enough to prove.  

What I do to protect my auctions:

Host my own pics.
All auctions are private
Remove pics as soon as the auction ends.
Watermark all pics.

I have been on ebay for quite some time, and I have run into all sorts of scammers, both buyers and sellers.  The above steps help me somewhat.

I am glad you answered the accusations, as I wanted to hear the whole story.  This is a good group of people, don't let the frustrated rantings of a few paint the wrong image of who we are.

I rarely take more than 20 minutes to post the most complicated of auctions (including producing images) , use HTML code, lots of cut and paste from MY previous auctions, and I am done.  I am happy to recomment some software that can help auction writers.

Stick around, let us get to know you as you get to know us.

AND...as this was your first post...Welcome!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:18:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:18:37 AM EDT
What happened to the good ole days of Gentlemen . Where you draw your pistol froma box , get set back to back and take ten paces and turn and fire. The winner, normally the survivor  LOL , would be the guy that was  correct all along. :)   . Ah yes day gone by. Now our pistols are exchanged for these computor things. Technology is great. easier to patch up them computor wounds. WD
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:22:09 AM EDT
Ebay will pull someone's auction just over the accusation. They do it all the time to avoid "problems".
I doubt they did any "research" beyond getting your complaint.

That said - Welcome to arfcom and the Georgia Forums!

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:01:57 AM EDT
So which judge are we going to send this to?
Judge Hatchett
Judge Joe Brown
Judge Judy
Judge Mathis
The Peoples Court (My vote)
Or get Judge Wapner out of retirement?
It might not be manly,but it would be more fun to watch.And we need to keep our numbers up in the gun community anyway!(Unlike the 2 Thousand Mom March,even Hillary didn't show up!)
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:27:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:30:24 AM EDT
Nah, let's just dig up Isaac Parker.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:06:41 AM EDT

Nah, let's just dig up Isaac Parker.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:15:59 AM EDT
Man, s0ulzer0, you better watch out where you link to pics!!!!

ByteTheBullet  (-:
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:58:42 AM EDT

Man, s0ulzer0, you better watch out where you link to pics!!!!

ByteTheBullet  (-:

Why, what's up?

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 11:07:07 AM EDT


Nah, let's just dig up Isaac Parker.



That's the guy, alright.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 11:21:00 AM EDT


Man, s0ulzer0, you better watch out where you link to pics!!!!

ByteTheBullet  (-:

Why, what's up?

~ s0ulzer0

Have you been reading this post?!? It is all about pic pirates!! Beware! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

ByteTheBullet  (-:
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:21:03 PM EDT

Thompsondd  instead of whining here and talking trash about me and how your a victim grow some balls and admit your mistake and you may get some character in the process. But you could never do that in front of all your buddies now could you?
Well if that's all you can muster whip it out! I'll bring the blue sheet and we can take some pictures for thompsondd.

First of all, I've got balls. Second, here I am. I don't have a problem facing up TO ANYTHING. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake. I can admit to that.

Let me clear something up. One of very first things that I posted here was my camera wasn't working and that I borrowed some pictures. If you lookup auction 3813036476, you will see I just had to buy a new battery charger for my camera.

While it isn't the ELCS in question, why don't you try one of these links for some stuff I do have pics of. I have NO reason to lie or bullshit anyone.

Kimber Custom Shop Eclipse II


M4gery and 20 A3 HBAR

The specific URL? Good question. I don't have access to the machine I created the auction from (which is a work machine) right now as I am on the road. I have pictures from some place called taco (something - game, net, ???), taylor stoner, and a few others. If you do a Google search for ELCS, about 99% of your results are going to be Asian sites. It is entirely possible that the pictures MAY HAVE been from your auction. I was trying to wait until I got my camera working again before running the auction. However, time isn't on my side right now, so I used some of the pictures that I had stored in a folder.  Yours may have been one of the ones in the folder.

If that was the case, I APOLOGIZE PUBLICALLY

Just in case you missed it the first time, let me say it again. If that was the case, I APOLOGIZE PUBLICALLY Furthermore, I don't mind doing the same to (not for) my hometown friends as well. SORRY GUYS if anything that I said was anything less than 100% accurate and led you to believe something that wasn't true.

The reason why I posted here was because I was pissed that you haven't had the decency or the balls to even respond to your email. I would have corrected the matter if I had been given a chance. I would have apologized had I been given a chance. So I have done so here, in a public forum, much to your chagrin I am sure, but done so nonetheless.

All of this was what I believed to be an honest mistake. If was something other than that, well, I guess I f$#@^% up, look like an idiot, and have tried to do the only thing I can as a man; on up to it and accept the responsibility.

Oh yeah, welcome to ARFcom.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:58:49 PM EDT
Sounds Good To Me!  

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 1:04:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 1:32:18 PM EDT


Bama Mods have no authority here! Go back to your hog nuts and cousin lovin'!

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 1:49:10 PM EDT


Nah, we handle things Thunderdome style here in Georgia.

Two man enter, one man leave!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:40:23 PM EDT



Nah, we handle things Thunderdome style here in Georgia.

Two man enter, one man leave!

I agree, I also would like to know who "ate cheese" on thompsondd and informed the noob???
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:42:50 PM EDT



Bama Mods have no authority here! Go back to your hog nuts and cousin lovin'!

~ s0ulzer0

And Banjer pickin!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:18:17 PM EDT

I agree, I also would like to know who "ate cheese" on thompsondd and informed the noob???

I could care less - I'm glad to have the new guy around.  That was quite the dramatic entrance, and hopefully made the snitch proud enough to claim his newbie.  I was quite impressed!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:34:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:43:42 PM EDT

I also hope steyrone will hang around the site.

Me too. I try to be a person of honor, character, and integrity, but must always remember that above all else, I am a person first. That means I am capable of making mistakes, and believe me, I have made some HUGE ones before. All in all, if I screwed up, which I very well may have and probably did, I can own up to it.  Again, I apologize if I made a screw up. I honestly think/thought that the pics that I used were from one of the asian sites. However, that doesn't sound like the case.

steyrone - all things aside, my apology is geniune. Now is the time to put our petty quarrels away and 'man up'.  Welcome to ARFcom. I really hope that you will stick around.

I agree, I also would like to know who "ate cheese" on thompsondd and informed the noob???

I really don't care.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:59:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:35:50 PM EDT

FWIW, I always thought pictures on the internet were public domain.  

Yep me too, once they're published they are not owned unless copyrighted.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:48:03 PM EDT

This is probably something from which we can all learn.  After the fact, it's always easier to see a better way we could have handled a situation.  

Granted. The purpose of my is only to serve as a warning to others. (from one of those 'motivation' posters that the pessimist smartasses got a hold of).

thompsondd, glad to see you're a big enough person to chalk it up to experience and move on.  

should be the minimun that we ALL should do isn't it?

FWIW, I always thought pictures on the internet were public domain.  I've copied LOTS of pictures (granted, none for an auction) without ever thinking twice about it.  Looks like I might need to be more careful in the future.

Guilty as charged. From an email I sent earlier: "So, my next alternative was to use a "publically available" photo (one that isn't trademarked, copyrighted, marked "property of", etc)."

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:53:20 PM EDT

This is probably something from which we can all learn.  After the fact, it's always easier to see a better way we could have handled a situation.  

Aw, thanks dad.

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:48:30 PM EDT
Is steyrone gonna post a second time?


I love seeing new people on the site, but not under these circumstances

quote -

I hope none of you are any older than your late teens because that is your current emotional, and mental state. I hate to think if a bunch of overweight, balding, 40ish mall ninja have nothing better to do with their lives than this.

To think I fight for your second amendment rights, PUKE, PUKE...... - quote

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:13:13 PM EDT

Is steyrone gonna post a second time?


I love seeing new people on the site, but not under these circumstances

quote -

I hope none of you are any older than your late teens because that is your current emotional, and mental state. I hate to think if a bunch of overweight, balding, 40ish mall ninja have nothing better to do with their lives than this.

To think I fight for your second amendment rights, PUKE, PUKE...... - quote

Yes, he was a bit vaginal.

~ s0ulzer0
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:41:24 PM EDT


Is steyrone gonna post a second time?


I love seeing new people on the site, but not under these circumstances

quote -

I hope none of you are any older than your late teens because that is your current emotional, and mental state. I hate to think if a bunch of overweight, balding, 40ish mall ninja have nothing better to do with their lives than this.

To think I fight for your second amendment rights, PUKE, PUKE...... - quote

Yes, he was a bit vaginal.

~ s0ulzer0

Indeed, s0ulzer0, Indeed, which is why I posted the "noob" remark.
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