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Posted: 8/25/2006 12:42:25 PM EDT
This all started on THR from the first link, if you want to get this going read on brothers. The second link is the thread I started there that's the same as this.

I'm going to post this here and anywhere else that I can think of, feel free to post it every where you want.

Seeing how this issue started in this thread www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=217614 and the idea came up as a combination of ideas, here it goes.

If you truely want to help us out in California because you hate the gun laws that the politicians keep freely passing here, here's the idea. "We" as gun owners need to take a stand against Kalifornia. This is going to involve contacting ALL gun Mfg's and even aftermarket Mfg's to tell them to stop selling to all agencies (law enforcement) if AB352 passes. If they DO NOT stop there will be a Nationwide ban against them. Here's just a piece of info for people out there, I spoke to someone that know's Ronnie Barrett. He asked other Mfg's to follow his lead but they refused. Reason given was the "stockholders" had to be kept happy.

So, if they want to keep the "stockholders" happy they will need to listen to the American public. This is where "we" the people ALL need to come together and let them know we're tired of Kali gun laws. Let them know they will feel it in their pocket book and from the "stockholders" if they continue to sell firearms to Kalifornia.

Please feel free to start adding contact info for all gun Mfg's so that people can start writing, calling and emailing.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 12:59:37 PM EDT
I'm a newbie here and appreciate the info I'll pass the link around and check out the other forum.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 1:36:55 PM EDT

Good stuff in that post, brutha.
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