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Posted: 1/21/2011 6:46:54 AM EDT
Moving back to FL would be great but Key West is too Key West
No where to shoot anyway...
Link Posted: 1/21/2011 8:07:06 AM EDT
I wouldn't mind it, I just would pick a different key to live on.  Unfortunately, the cost of living is so high, unless you are independently wealthy, both of you would probably end up working 2 jobs just to live in a shack.  
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 6:53:18 AM EDT
+1 for Outrageous cost of living.
They are desperate for workers, but there's no affordable housing in the Keys..especially way down South.
If it includes quarters...Jump on It.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 7:27:15 AM EDT
Even though were staying busy (electrical contractor) the economy down here isn't doing too hot.  Not alot of decent paying jobs available right now.  If she was offered NAS its not a bad deal.  FYI though their reducing the housing allowance to all of the new people being station here now.
Link Posted: 1/22/2011 1:44:12 PM EDT
I'm early out retired and we are debt free so the money won't be an issue.
Fishing would be awesome but isn't the crime high per capita with lots of drunks and homeless?
I don't think I can get accustomed to all the daisy duked' dudes in the checkout line at Publix...
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 7:28:35 AM EDT
I live down here, can't recommend it.

Tourists and traffic get to you after a while. Remember there's only one road to get around on down here, and it's mostly just two lanes and 45mph. Last week heading home from work I about rear ended some genious who decided to stop in the middle of the road to take pictures.

If you do seriously consider it, don't live on KW itself. Look further up, between BPK and Sugarloaf the housing isn't too bad. I live on Cudjoe and pay $1800 for about 1000sq ft on a canal, it also has around 300 sq ft of enclosed storage underneath which is nice to have as space is at a premium down here.

Looking forward to heading back to NC next year.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:52:10 AM EDT
And (not meaning to be a smart-ass) there ain't shit on Cudjoe Key! Been awhile since I was there, but my brother used to live there when the only neighbors were mosquitoes.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 1:21:47 PM EDT
Depends on what you want to do.  If your into mostly chilling then up the keys is the way to go.  If you are more active, live on KW, otherwise you'll be driving to KW all the time anyway.  Its expensive and you don't get as much money wise in KW but there is more to do.  Just remember this place doesn't look like vacation when you live here, but its like anywhere else and has its good and bad points.
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