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Posted: 5/25/2010 10:26:41 AM EDT
A few of us are going out to the pit for some trigger time.  Used to be an annual shoot but since the range appears to be maintaing itself, were are just going to do some shootin.

Were planning on shooting on Memorial Day, Monday.

Hope you can make it
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 1:41:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 1:52:37 PM EDT
So I keep hearing of this pit.  Anyone care to let me in on the location and what it is?

Link Posted: 5/25/2010 2:01:09 PM EDT
Me too


So I keep hearing of this pit.  Anyone care to let me in on the location and what it is?



Link Posted: 5/25/2010 2:41:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 6:55:27 PM EDT

Map Quest to the Dragway.  The pit is north of there about a mile.  No address.

I will be there.

Dr. Bones its HK 33 vs. AK 47 full auto.  May the best gun not break first.
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 7:21:00 PM EDT
I'm going to sit it out this year since I'm a 'new daddy' and have family activities planned.  Me and my fire extinguishers will be unavailable this year.  

Have fun; don't burn down the county.  
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 8:08:11 PM EDT
Yeah - that was fun putting out the fire last year - ( Don't shoot fireworks on top of a ton of trash ). -

I thought that I saw some pics ( In another hometown thread ) of the Pit after the DNR dozed the place and set new barriers. I haven't been back there since last Memorial day. But it did look alot better / and safer.

I have a few new toys to bring, ( no new NFA - ) - but I am working on that -

I have managed to save up about 1/2 of the coin for a RDIAS or a RR M16, and I am trying to convince my Step-dad into putting in the other half for a, "Great investment that we can have fun with and keep in the family via a trust for the next generation" - this is my sales picth so far, but he still hasn't commited yet...............

 I am hopping, that seeing what all the excitement is all about, that he will give the OK to post a WTB ad on some of the class three sites.

Has anyone heard from the guys @ Sheridan Arms? I am hoping that they can help me "Seal the deal" - so to speak......................

Or, if any of you guys have any suggestions or, "High pressure sales pitches"  I am eager to hurry up and start the long wait for a tax stamp.............

If anyone wants to try the new LMT MWS-308 I am bringing that,
and a recent 5.45 AR build, and a couple of others.

(And LOTS of ammo) -

Is there a list of items that people are going to need or that would make for a better day of shooting?

I can bring 1 canopy and some tables, maybe a BBQ grill and some dogs / burgers, pop and h2o.
I have a AR500 steel target, and 4 IDPA type target stands. I think that I have a couple of bags of ballons for some fun targets................

What else?

Bug spray
sun block


" I hear gunfire Dad." - "That's the sound of freedom, Son."
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 10:10:03 PM EDT
I'll try and make it, any idea what time to show on monday?
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 5:35:26 AM EDT
Too bad no one's going sunday. I will be up that way for a family cookout.
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 6:13:40 AM EDT
Has anyone heard from the guys @ Sheridan Arms? I am hoping that they can help me "Seal the deal" - so to speak......................

Or, if any of you guys have any suggestions or, "High pressure sales pitches"  I am eager to hurry up and start the long wait for a tax stamp.............

Yes, I know Phil Sheridan personally and you would be fine using him.  I have a RR Colt M16 in stock ready to transfer.  If your interested, I can bring it along Memorial Day.  Not cheap, but you can at least see what your buying first hand.

Link Posted: 5/26/2010 6:41:58 AM EDT
I'm going to sit it out this year since I'm a 'new daddy' and have family activities planned.  Me and my fire extinguishers will be unavailable this year.  

Have fun; don't burn down the county.  

??? !!!

This is news –– Congrats!
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 8:24:33 AM EDT
What time on Monday? I may try to come out for this, sounds like it will be a good time.

Link Posted: 5/26/2010 8:50:29 AM EDT
No set time.  Most of us arrive around noonish...Rain or shine.  Just bring a canopy.

Link Posted: 5/26/2010 1:04:35 PM EDT
Dang, sounds like fun.

I'm on the other side of the state though.
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 1:19:42 PM EDT
Is it at the place shown on this map?  (or farther north / south / where?)

I've got to be in the neighborhood (relatively) on Tuesday.  Maybe I'll head out a day early and bring the Uzi.  Too bad I can't bring the silencers too.  
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 1:45:43 PM EDT
Address of the Lapeer Pit is 3070  Roods Lk Rd , Lapeer Mi. 48446   ,about   mile north of dragway on right
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 3:24:40 PM EDT
I'll be there...need to get some more video footage to support my BAMF Hollywood Bad Guy image...will be bringin ammo to run thru some of my good friends MG's. I'll need a camera man to shoot my video...I'll need a volunteer for that...perhaps MichMan1's son will step up again as my camera man!

Need to get Uzi footage...baby, mini and or full size although I'm partial to the mini...!

MP5 would be nice.

1919 off hand would be a cool shot.

Glock G-17

HK anything.

M16 - M4 shorty

Link Posted: 5/26/2010 4:35:57 PM EDT
Has anyone heard from the guys @ Sheridan Arms? I am hoping that they can help me "Seal the deal" - so to speak......................

Or, if any of you guys have any suggestions or, "High pressure sales pitches"  I am eager to hurry up and start the long wait for a tax stamp.............

Yes, I know Phil Sheridan personally and you would be fine using him.  I have a RR Colt M16 in stock ready to transfer.  If your interested, I can bring it along Memorial Day.  Not cheap, but you can at least see what your buying first hand.

Sounds great, Drbones -

Link Posted: 5/26/2010 5:00:46 PM EDT
I'll be there...need to get some more video footage to support my BAMF Hollywood Bad Guy image...will be bringin ammo to run thru some of my good friends MG's. I'll need a camera man to shoot my video...I'll need a volunteer for that...perhaps MichMan1's son will step up again as my camera man!

Need to get Uzi footage...baby, mini and or full size although I'm partial to the mini...!

MP5 would be nice.

1919 off hand would be a cool shot.

Glock G-17

HK anything.

M16 - M4 shorty

I have a MP5K and a few M16s. I will try to make it but can't make no promises.
Link Posted: 5/27/2010 5:06:49 AM EDT
I'll be there...need to get some more video footage to support my BAMF Hollywood Bad Guy image...will be bringin ammo to run thru some of my good friends MG's. I'll need a camera man to shoot my video...I'll need a volunteer for that...perhaps MichMan1's son will step up again as my camera man!

Need to get Uzi footage...baby, mini and or full size although I'm partial to the mini...!

MP5 would be nice.

1919 off hand would be a cool shot.

Glock G-17

HK anything.

M16 - M4 shorty

I can help you out in the uzi department.  Will bring my full size, mini and the micro.  Dave will more than likely have his MP5 with him and Kerry will bring his HK33.

I also have my bulgarian krinkov now so make sure to bring out a full drum Mike!!!  It is chambered in 7.62x39.

Link Posted: 5/27/2010 10:13:31 AM EDT
Is there a list of items that people are going to need or that would make for a better day of shooting?

I can bring 1 canopy and some tables, maybe a BBQ grill and some dogs / burgers, pop and h2o.
I have a AR500 steel target, and 4 IDPA type target stands. I think that I have a couple of bags of ballons for some fun targets................

What else?

Bug spray
sun block


" I hear gunfire Dad." - "That's the sound of freedom, Son."
Link Posted: 5/27/2010 12:50:25 PM EDT
A grill would be great.  Most hungry patrons would gladly throw you some money if your willing to be the chef.  

Link Posted: 5/28/2010 2:09:19 AM EDT
Have Chinese 100 rnd AK drum...will travel. Will be bringing ammo in the popular calibers! Thanks Jimmy!
Link Posted: 5/28/2010 4:05:45 PM EDT
I'm planning on being there-I'm trying to sort thru some problems with a .22LR conversion for my LAGE. One of which being that I can no longer get the kit out of the gun and shoot 9mm.
Link Posted: 5/28/2010 4:57:48 PM EDT
I'm trying to sort thru some problems with a .22LR conversion for my LAGE. One of which being that I can no longer get the kit out of the gun and shoot 9mm.

Maybe you have the same problem as this guy.

I'll probably bring my Uzi .22 conversion.  It might be interesting to compare the two.
Link Posted: 5/28/2010 5:26:25 PM EDT
I'm trying to sort thru some problems with a .22LR conversion for my LAGE. One of which being that I can no longer get the kit out of the gun and shoot 9mm.

Maybe you have the same problem as this guy.

I'll probably bring my Uzi .22 conversion.  It might be interesting to compare the two.

It's been a number of problems, mostly the ammo recommended for the kit. I've had extraction problems and 3 out of battery detonations, On his recommendation I tried Federal instead of the Remington Golden and that fixed everything but the extractor. I had to modify the kit (with his approval, I put a clearance chamfer on a tab that engages the barrel on the bolt because it was crushing  the chamber closed and made a tool to push the chamber material back into place)  to get it to run at all when I got it and I think the extraction problems are related. He has offered to warranty and replace the kit but tells me that I likely have a bulged barrel and it will cost me $65 to get a new barrel. Not sure if that means I'll have to pay $65 to get the kit replaced or just the barrel, but I've had it go back once already to get the barrel realigned (didn't want to fit the upper very well, but that wasn't the problem, unfortunately). As far as I know, I have not had any squib loads-it could be that the Remington rounds had enough poop to push it out. You'd never know with a FA gun... I just know that the kit blows up on the ammo it was meant for, and the extractor doesn't have enough purchase on the rim to remove ammo other than what it was designed for. After he sent it back with the barrel realigned, I got two mags thru it before blowing the extractor out again and from that point on the barrel is absolutely stuck. I think the FTE's are either a tolerancing issue with the chamber diameter or between the bolt and carrier. The remedy so far was to file clearance on the extractor to get more purchase on the rim and stretch the hell out of the extractor spring.

I'm at a point where it's down to one FTE per every mag and a half, which was enough to put off sending it back this week in order to make the shoot.

If this doesn't get rectified, I'll probably be selling the gun. The shipping and insurance has been pretty bad trying to get this to run, and it's all been on my dime-I don't know if I can stand regular trips back at $100 a pop for new barrels and insured shipping. One of the reasons I bought it was that the .22 kit was coming and I could shoot it cheap (ish). That, and Obama hadn't fucked up ammo prices by getting elected when I started the transfer. I enjoy the gun and ownership of a MG, but I'm not getting the use out of it that I wanted to.
Link Posted: 5/28/2010 6:34:25 PM EDT
If this doesn't get rectified, I'll probably be selling the gun. The shipping and insurance has been pretty bad trying to get this to run, and it's all been on my dime-I don't know if I can stand regular trips back at $100 a pop for new barrels and insured shipping. One of the reasons I bought it was that the .22 kit was coming and I could shoot it cheap (ish). That, and Obama hadn't fucked up ammo prices by getting elected when I started the transfer. I enjoy the gun and ownership of a MG, but I'm not getting the use out of it that I wanted to.

Bummer - that sounds really aggravating.  I'd had some issues with the Uzi kit early on.  My issues were primarily mag related (the BDM mags with the newest followers work much, much better than the original Vector mags), and later on a worn extractor.  I've recently run through over 1000 rounds with probably less than a dozen malfunctions.  

If you're getting out-of-battery detonations, it's either a tight / obstructed chamber, or possibly squibs.  If you're getting buildup in the chamber, the round can stop and go off before it is fully seated.  I've found that running a bore snake through the barrel a few times every couple hundred rounds can really help too.  

I wouldn't sell the whole gun just because you can't get the .22 conversion to run.  That, and unless you bought it more than 3 years ago, or got a screaming deal on it, you're not likely to sell it for what you've got into it.  If you don't do so already, look into reloading.  9mm is easy to load, and can be done for much less than the cost of factory ammo.  If you really want to go cheap (er, inexpensive) you could always look into casting your own bullets too.  Figuring current component prices, I can still load lead 9mm for around $5 per box of 50, or around $100/1000.

And if all else fails, Sam at Practical Solutions is reportedly working on a .22 kit for the M11/9.  

It could be worse.  When I got into the game, the only .22 kit available for the MAC10 or M11 was the Flemming kit, which was almost guaranteed not to run.    For a while there, you could send them to Eric at Autowerkes and he would tweak them until they did run.  He was a whiz with a MAC, but his business ventures were short-lived.  I nearly bought a kit that he had tuned, but I didn't have a spare thousand bucks at the time.  I got excited when Lage started talking about doing a .22 conversion.  Of course, if you look at his "project status" page, that started back in 2004.  I finally gave up and bought the Uzi, as Vector had kits for them which reportedly ran pretty well.
Link Posted: 5/29/2010 9:47:45 PM EDT
Looks like there may be some rain in the forcast, 10' x 10' canpoys are on sale @ cabella's for $69 through Sun..........

Link Posted: 5/30/2010 12:37:31 AM EDT
If this doesn't get rectified, I'll probably be selling the gun. The shipping and insurance has been pretty bad trying to get this to run, and it's all been on my dime-I don't know if I can stand regular trips back at $100 a pop for new barrels and insured shipping. One of the reasons I bought it was that the .22 kit was coming and I could shoot it cheap (ish). That, and Obama hadn't fucked up ammo prices by getting elected when I started the transfer. I enjoy the gun and ownership of a MG, but I'm not getting the use out of it that I wanted to.

Bummer - that sounds really aggravating.  I'd had some issues with the Uzi kit early on.  My issues were primarily mag related (the BDM mags with the newest followers work much, much better than the original Vector mags), and later on a worn extractor.  I've recently run through over 1000 rounds with probably less than a dozen malfunctions.  

If you're getting out-of-battery detonations, it's either a tight / obstructed chamber, or possibly squibs.  If you're getting buildup in the chamber, the round can stop and go off before it is fully seated.  I've found that running a bore snake through the barrel a few times every couple hundred rounds can really help too.  

I wouldn't sell the whole gun just because you can't get the .22 conversion to run.  That, and unless you bought it more than 3 years ago, or got a screaming deal on it, you're not likely to sell it for what you've got into it.  If you don't do so already, look into reloading.  9mm is easy to load, and can be done for much less than the cost of factory ammo.  If you really want to go cheap (er, inexpensive) you could always look into casting your own bullets too.  Figuring current component prices, I can still load lead 9mm for around $5 per box of 50, or around $100/1000.

And if all else fails, Sam at Practical Solutions is reportedly working on a .22 kit for the M11/9.  

It could be worse.  When I got into the game, the only .22 kit available for the MAC10 or M11 was the Flemming kit, which was almost guaranteed not to run.    For a while there, you could send them to Eric at Autowerkes and he would tweak them until they did run.  He was a whiz with a MAC, but his business ventures were short-lived.  I nearly bought a kit that he had tuned, but I didn't have a spare thousand bucks at the time.  I got excited when Lage started talking about doing a .22 conversion.  Of course, if you look at his "project status" page, that started back in 2004.  I finally gave up and bought the Uzi, as Vector had kits for them which reportedly ran pretty well.

The brass is really bulged when I shoot Remington Golden Bullets. As I mentioned, this is the round the gun was meant for and it really has some poop to it. The rounds vary with regard to the amount of bulge they go thru when firing (remember, this is an open bolt gun, so pressure doesn't have time to drop off before the bolt starts coming back) and some of them look downright scary. Switching to Federal bulk pack made a remarkable difference, with bulging being barely noticeable. What I am wondering is if having a blowout would cause the round to act like a squib load and plug the barrel, then get cleared out when I shot the next round. Again, if a guy were to have a squib load in a FA, how would be know unless the barrel packed up? Mine never did, and as I mentioned it's $100 a pop to send the upper and conversion for removal and a new barrel due to the high cost of shipping. If the gun can be made to run on Federal, I'll likely keep it. If not it's going bye-bye and I'll put it towards an FNC, AR18, or a cottage on my BOL.
Link Posted: 5/30/2010 5:59:10 AM EDT
The brass is really bulged when I shoot Remington Golden Bullets. As I mentioned, this is the round the gun was meant for and it really has some poop to it. The rounds vary with regard to the amount of bulge they go thru when firing (remember, this is an open bolt gun, so pressure doesn't have time to drop off before the bolt starts coming back) and some of them look downright scary. Switching to Federal bulk pack made a remarkable difference, with bulging being barely noticeable.

I've found Rem golden bullets to be really inconsistent.  Some are noticeably hotter & louder, and others are weak and quieter.  It's not uncommon to get 2 or 3 duds per box, too.  Fed. bulk pack or Winchester Dynapoints run great in my gun (I know, different gun - different conversion) and are a lot more consistent.  Also, CCI MiniMags are reportedly some of the best rounds to use in F/A .22LR guns.  And Blazer .22 are reportedly the same load with just a plain lead bullet.  If the Feds run better for you, I'd just switch to using them.  
What I am wondering is if having a blowout would cause the round to act like a squib load and plug the barrel, then get cleared out when I shot the next round. Again, if a guy were to have a squib load in a FA, how would be know unless the barrel packed up?

Also, I've found the Rem Golden Bullets to be some of the dirtier .22s out there.  Have  you ever shot a lot of .38 Spl. through a revolver, and then tried to chamber a .357?  You know how you start getting a lead ring at the end of the .38 case that makes it difficult for the .357 to chamber?   I wonder if you are getting something similar.  If the buildup is significant, since the firing pin is just a fixed nub on the end of the bolt, it will ignite the next round whenever the round stops moving forward, whether by the end of the chamber, or by the ring of lead - whichever it runs into first.  
Mine never did, and as I mentioned it's $100 a pop to send the upper and conversion for removal and a new barrel due to the high cost of shipping. If the gun can be made to run on Federal, I'll likely keep it. If not it's going bye-bye and I'll put it towards an FNC, AR18, or a cottage on my BOL.

When you said that before, I assumed you were sending the registered receiver along too.  It shouldn't cost you near that much to ship an (unrestricted) upper.  By its self, the upper is not a gun, it's just parts.  Take it to the post office, and ship it Priority Mail.  If you're really worried, ship it Registered.  If you're concerned about a fat postal employee sitting on it, put it in a cheap hard case.  In any case, with $1000 insurance, you should still be able to ship for under $20.
Link Posted: 5/30/2010 6:42:50 AM EDT
The brass is really bulged when I shoot Remington Golden Bullets. As I mentioned, this is the round the gun was meant for and it really has some poop to it. The rounds vary with regard to the amount of bulge they go thru when firing (remember, this is an open bolt gun, so pressure doesn't have time to drop off before the bolt starts coming back) and some of them look downright scary. Switching to Federal bulk pack made a remarkable difference, with bulging being barely noticeable.

I've found Rem golden bullets to be really inconsistent.  Some are noticeably hotter & louder, and others are weak and quieter.  It's not uncommon to get 2 or 3 duds per box, too.  Fed. bulk pack or Winchester Dynapoints run great in my gun (I know, different gun - different conversion) and are a lot more consistent.  Also, CCI MiniMags are reportedly some of the best rounds to use in F/A .22LR guns.  And Blazer .22 are reportedly the same load with just a plain lead bullet.  If the Feds run better for you, I'd just switch to using them.  
What I am wondering is if having a blowout would cause the round to act like a squib load and plug the barrel, then get cleared out when I shot the next round. Again, if a guy were to have a squib load in a FA, how would be know unless the barrel packed up?

Also, I've found the Rem Golden Bullets to be some of the dirtier .22s out there.  Have  you ever shot a lot of .38 Spl. through a revolver, and then tried to chamber a .357?  You know how you start getting a lead ring at the end of the .38 case that makes it difficult for the .357 to chamber?   I wonder if you are getting something similar.  If the buildup is significant, since the firing pin is just a fixed nub on the end of the bolt, it will ignite the next round whenever the round stops moving forward, whether by the end of the chamber, or by the ring of lead - whichever it runs into first.  
Mine never did, and as I mentioned it's $100 a pop to send the upper and conversion for removal and a new barrel due to the high cost of shipping. If the gun can be made to run on Federal, I'll likely keep it. If not it's going bye-bye and I'll put it towards an FNC, AR18, or a cottage on my BOL.

When you said that before, I assumed you were sending the registered receiver along too.  It shouldn't cost you near that much to ship an (unrestricted) upper.  By its self, the upper is not a gun, it's just parts.  Take it to the post office, and ship it Priority Mail.  If you're really worried, ship it Registered.  If you're concerned about a fat postal employee sitting on it, put it in a cheap hard case.  In any case, with $1000 insurance, you should still be able to ship for under $20.

I'm definitely not going to be shooting any more of the Remington-I bought a metric ass-ton of it when I got word the conversion was ready for me to pay for. I guess my GSG-5 likes it well enough.... My chamber isn't getting any buildup in it, I can drop any round in it and have it fall to the rim under gravity alone-the chamber is pretty loose.

As far as shipping goes, I have to send both the upper and the conversion. The two together add up to an insured value of $1300, which was $28 to ship last time it went back. Add in the $65 barrel and it gets pretty close to $100. I was kind of hoping that Lage would help me eat some of this since the fault doesn't rest with me, but I'm kind of held hostage by the fact that if I told him I wanted my money back I'm out a way to shoot cheap .22 ammo. I really want this resolved.
Link Posted: 5/30/2010 5:29:03 PM EDT
Loading the trailer now, kit includes, wagon/cart, Gas Grill, 8' table, 10' x 10' canopy, coolers w/ ice, Pepsi, Mt. dew, H20, hot dogs, buns, bug spray, sun block, umbrellas, rain jacket...............

LMTMWS308 - ammo
LWRC M6A2  - ammo
Spike's 5.45 build - ammo
Siaga 7.62 - ammo
AK74 clone - ammo
S&W M&P-22 - ammo
1911's - ammo
and some 9mm ammo

AR-500 target - 7.62 and under please - have fun but try not to destroy the target stand -
some IDPA type cardboard target stands / targets.

Just put in the video from last year -

I will try to catch the latest weather report later tonight, and report here.

Link Posted: 5/30/2010 6:58:15 PM EDT
Loading the trailer now, kit includes, wagon/cart, Gas Grill, 8' table, 10' x 10' canopy, coolers w/ ice, Pepsi, Mt. dew, H20, hot dogs, buns, bug spray, sun block, umbrellas, rain jacket...............

LMTMWS308 - ammo
LWRC M6A2  - ammo
Spike's 5.45 build - ammo
Siaga 7.62 - ammo
AK74 clone - ammo
S&W M&P-22 - ammo
1911's - ammo
and some 9mm ammo

AR-500 target - 7.62 and under please - have fun but try not to destroy the target stand -
some IDPA type cardboard target stands / targets.

Just put in the video from last year -

I will try to catch the latest weather report later tonight, and report here.


So what time you showing up at the pit forrest? Was thinking about taking my niece she loves shooting. Thought I could leave some impression on her.

Link Posted: 5/30/2010 8:23:56 PM EDT
Going to try to head out pretty early, pick up my Step-Dad, and head up there. I am driving from Jackson Co. -

It looks like the weather front will hit - stay for an hour or two and then be gone -
Link Posted: 5/30/2010 9:35:14 PM EDT
When does the shooting start. I want to try to make it at least for a little bit.
Link Posted: 5/31/2010 12:49:59 PM EDT
Fun times I loved watching the krink shoot!!!
Link Posted: 5/31/2010 1:48:07 PM EDT
Took a nice video of Mike Sessa shooting my krink with a 100 round drum.  Hopefully, he can post a link to it.
Link Posted: 5/31/2010 3:24:43 PM EDT
It took longer to start opening up our pool than we thought it would so the wife and I got their late, around 3 or so.

Most people had left, but we did meet TheOtherDave, who was nice enough to let my wife try his Mac with the 22 kit. Even with the problems he had, when it ran, ti was pretty sweet. Thanks Dave.

I would have let him try my UZI, but I left the bag of loaded mags at home!

Luckily we did have some other guns to shoot, with mags and ammo, so it wasn't a total bust.

I'll probably do some sort of write up later over at my Michigan Firearms Examiner page.
Link Posted: 5/31/2010 6:22:20 PM EDT
A good time was had by all, not too many people-busy early on, but never bad enough that you couldn't just walk up. Toward the end the crowd thinned out (dunno if it was because the rain was threatening or because Forrest quit running the BBQ grill LOL) and just 2 or 3 stations had the range to themselves.

I don't miss the old pit much anymore-the new arrangement is pretty good if a little more formal than before.
Link Posted: 6/1/2010 5:44:38 PM EDT
A great time, and the weather held out for us.

A very special thanks to, EVERYONE who was so kind to share the full-auto GOODNESS with my Step-Dad and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me on DRBONES 1971 M16A1 (and all the other pics and video in the hyperlinked album are from Memorial Day!)
I need to learn how to embed videos -

And thank you to everyone who helped pick up the trash that was left on the range, this helps us all by leaving a positive image of the shooting community!

Link Posted: 6/4/2010 4:27:32 PM EDT
Sorry I'm late getting back in here.  Haven't had internet access for a few days.

It was great meeting a bunch of you guys.  Thanks to Forrest for feeding everyone!  And to Muddy94 for taking some pictures.  The Uzi .22 kit ran pretty well, but was finally starting to choke, after having lots of rounds through it without a proper cleaning.

Hope to make it out again some time.

Link Posted: 6/4/2010 8:51:04 PM EDT
A great time, and the weather held out for us.

A very special thanks to, EVERYONE who was so kind to share the full-auto GOODNESS with my Step-Dad and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me on DRBONES 1971 M16A1 (and all the other pics and video in the hyperlinked album are from Memorial Day!)
I need to learn how to embed videos -

And thank you to everyone who helped pick up the trash that was left on the range, this helps us all by leaving a positive image of the shooting community!

That .308 LMT of yours was like a freakin' laser beam..... I was shooting at a piece of plastic about 1x3 at the other end of the pit and nailed it every time. Definitely an MOA gun, I'd be curious to see how it shoots the 'good stuff'.
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 9:17:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2010 8:38:00 AM EDT
Man, that looks like you guys had a blast. Wish I could have come out. I've never been to the pit.
Link Posted: 6/5/2010 4:59:42 PM EDT
Video from the Pit Memorial Day Shoot ala Cheesy Acting and Cheesy Machine Gun Shooting!

Link Posted: 7/19/2010 8:46:18 PM EDT
Anyone planing another Pit trip anytime soon?

I feel the need to run some rounds though the UZI. Maybe this time I'll remember the mags....
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