Posted: 8/23/2006 1:35:41 PM EDT
I hope you folks have been breaking in your running boots - I have callouses on my feet so thick that I can't bend my big toes. For those of you not signed up, here are the classes and first stage of the six mile, four stage course in Pecos, TX:
The Classes In previous years we have had two classes: Light and Heavy. The Light Class was unlimited in kit and weapon, while the Heavy Class had a weight limitation as well as limitations on outside help. We will stick, generally, to this theme. But, experience has taught us that it is virtually impossible to design a course of fire that will adequately test scoped, bolt-action, long-range, precision rifles and riflemen without penalizing the semi-auto gunners and vice versa. They are simply two different tools designed for two different purposes. Therefore, this year, bolt guns will compete against bolt guns and semi-autos will compete against semi-autos and courses of fire will be modified accordingly.
Biathlon (Bolt Gun) Class: Weapons: Bolt action, scoped rifles will compete in this class. There are no limits on caliber except that the weapon must be center fire and no 50 cals will be allowed. Gear and Consumables: There are no limits on kit—e.g. loincloths and fl ip-fl ops would be acceptable (if you don’t mind having your picture in the paper dressed that way). However, you must carry your own water or any other item you think you might need along the way. Unlike previous years, you can accept no outside help anywhere or anytime over the course.
Light Infantry (Semi-Auto) Class: Weapons: This is the place for military style rifl es: M-16 Variants (AR-15s), AKs, SKs, M1As, M1 Garands, FALs, etc. However, these are not limits—any center-fi re semi-auto is acceptable. Gear and Consumables: Light Infantrymen must hump all their own gear and consumables and may not accept assistance of any kind during the race. The weight requirement is a bit different from past years where the shooter was required tostart with 35 pounds, which included footgear. This year, the light infantryman will be required to fifi nish with 20 pounds NOT including footwear.
Based on a scientific study of the influence of load on pace in the conditioned athlete, shooters finishing with more than 20 pounds will be rewarded by having 14 seconds per half (1/2) pound that his gear is over the 20 lb limit deducted from his run time. Shooters finishing with less than 20 lbs will be penalized by having 14 seconds per half pound added to their run times.
The Course General: The course is about 1/2 cross-country and 1/2 caliche road for a total of 6 miles. The local vegetation is not friendly. Neither is the fauna. Temperatures can rise to over 100 degrees during September. Carry plenty of water. Also, a small caliber pistol loaded with rat shot (for snakes) as well as some sort of emergency communications devise would not be bad ideas.
Stage I: Take the Hill This is an assault course for rifle (both classes) and pistol (infantryman’s class only). Par time (time limit) is 5 minutes. There will be 2 – 12” X 18” steel hanging targets at 200 yards. There will also be 8 pepper poppers somewhere near the 200-yard line.
Shoot Point 1: The shooter will proceed directly into the ready box and load the rifle. At the start signal, he will assume the prone position and engage the two swinging targets. He cannot engage the same target two times in succession and must hit both targets once before leaving the station.
Shoot Point 2: From his position of choice, he will engage the two swinging targets but cannot engage the same target two times in succession. He must hit both targets once before leaving the station
Shoot Point 3: From the kneeling position, the shooter will engage the 2 targets at the 200-yard line but cannot engage the same target two times in succession. He must hit both targets once before leaving the station
Shoot Point 4: From the standing position, the shooter will engage the 2 targets at the 200-yard line but cannot engage the same target two times in succession. He must hit both targets once before leaving the station Time stops for the biathletes when the last hanger is hit. Score is total time to complete the course. Procedural penalties (for example, engaging the same target twice in a row, failing to use the mandated position or failing to execute a magazine change) will be assessed at the rate of 10 seconds per infraction added to the shooter’s time.
Light Infantrymen: Summary of differences: There are three basic differences between the procedures for the Light infantrymen and the biathletes: 1) The light infantrymen will be required to hit each of the two targets TWICE at each shoot point (e.g. a total of 4 hits vs. only 2 for the bolt gunners) before being allowed to move; 2) these shooters will be required to engage the pepper poppers at the end of the stage with the pistol but the bolt gunners will not and 3) shooters with magazine fed weapons will be required to execute at least one tactical magazine change somewhere during the course and the partially full magazine must be retained on the shooter’s body. To be precise:
Shoot Point 1: The shooter will proceed directly into the ready box and load the rifl e. At the start signal, he will assume the prone position and engage the two swinging targets. He cannot engage the same target two times in succession and must hit both targets TWICE (a total of 4 hits) before leaving the station.
Shoot Point 2: From his position of choice, he will engage the two swinging targets but cannot engage the sametarget two times in succession. He must hit both targets TWICE (a total of 4 hits) before leaving the station.
Shoot Point 3: From the kneeling position, the shooter will engage the 2 targets at the 200-yard line but cannot engage the same target two times in succession. He must hit both targets TWICE (a total of 4 hits) before leaving the station.
Shoot Point 4: From the standing position, the shooter will engage the 2 targets at the 200-yard line but cannot engage the same target two times in succession. He must hit both targets TWICE (a total of 4 hits) beforeleaving the station.
DO NOT FORGET: Shooters with magazine fed weapons must execute at least one magazine change during the course of fire and maintain the partially full magazine on his body. The light infantrymen, upon successfully engaging the hangers, must then put his rifle on safe and transition to the pistol. Maintaining the long gun on his body, he will engage the 8 pepper poppers that will now be approximately 15 yards away. His time will stop with the shot that causes the last popper to fall. Score is total elapsed time plus any procedural penalties at the rate of 10 seconds each.
| [email protected] is the contact man for the event.