Ronin Combat Strategies was doing classes over at T1G this past year. For 2011 they are working with the place outside Holly Springs. The place is SCG. Its been opened/started building a few years back but they have kept pretty low key. Here is a link to their site
and Ronin who offers LE and Open classes
T1G does have a Rogers Range setup, however I've heard its been dialed down a bit and not up to Bill Rogers specs. I've been to T1G multiple times with Ronin, but never used it. T1G is a great facility but they cater to 99% Govt contract. They offer just a few open courses and they are very expensive.
I will be taking classes at the SCG facility with Ronin this year, but I'm down for a month or so before I can get out there.
Hope that helps,
PS- send me an IM sometime, you posted about the FONRA dinner, and the girl that won was at my table, I think we might know each other.