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Posted: 12/11/2010 5:50:29 AM EDT
Sitting here sipping coffee and watching a show on the SPIKE channel called "Because Lives Depend On It". They are featuring training techniques and various ranges and training opportunities. Saw a segment at the "Rogers Range" in Crittenden County AR. Anybody familiar with this facility? I have never heard of it.
Link Posted: 12/11/2010 8:48:13 AM EDT
Tier One Group
Tier One Group

Supposedly one of the nicest up and coming shooting facilities in the country.

They will be hosting the Advanced Armament Silencer Shoot this summer.
AAC Silencer Shoot 2011

I am looking forward to checking it out.

Link Posted: 12/11/2010 9:49:16 AM EDT
A friend of mine in the earth moving business told me about a state of the art military training facility in Holly Springs right @ 78 & Hwy 7 (SW corner) it is behind the old drag strip. Says it has pneumatic operated metal silhouette targets all wired back to a main control building where everything is operated. It's construction is stalled right now, all the dirt work has been done and the piping for the targets. It was supposed to be a private operated facility for training US troops.  Anybody know about this one?
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 2:05:03 PM EDT
Ronin Combat Strategies was doing classes over at T1G this past year.  For 2011 they are working with the place outside Holly Springs.  The place is SCG. Its been opened/started building a few years back but they have kept pretty low key.  Here is a link to their site


and Ronin who offers LE and Open classes


T1G does have a Rogers Range setup, however I've heard its been dialed down a bit and not up to Bill Rogers specs.  I've been to T1G multiple times with Ronin, but never used it. T1G is a great facility but they cater to 99% Govt contract.  They offer just a few open courses and they are very expensive.

I will be taking classes at the SCG facility with Ronin this year, but I'm down for a month or so before I can get out there.

Hope that helps,


PS- send me an IM sometime, you posted about the FONRA dinner, and the girl that won was at my table, I think we might know each other.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:46:53 AM EDT
I've checked their site (Tier 1) and it looks like they do not offer training to civilians (non-leo or .mil). Can anyone refute or confirm that observation??
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 9:54:19 AM EDT
Civ side is under the name Hi Cal training
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 11:35:52 AM EDT
James, you and I went to Ole Miss with the guy who owns SCG. I'll PM you the name.
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