My dad is a 1 man operation and has been doing HVAC his whole life (wasn't always one man) and my grandpa before him.
The company is Kearns Heating Corp. He is located is Theresa and installs Ruud Products. He did almost all new installs with some retrofits/replacements here and there, now it's almost all retrofits. He is a bit slow, but has a good reputation and a lot of past customers (over 40 years worth) so when one of their furnaces dies (typical with age) he gets a call.
His pricing is going to be lower or in line with the other guys, but he make his own custom ductwork so the install will probably be nicer, and the Ruud equipment is on the higher end regardless of what the carrier comercials tell you.
You can give them a call 262-629-1751.
You will either leave a message or talk to Joan, they will call you back.
If it doesn't work out, no problem.