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Posted: 8/4/2011 2:53:28 PM EDT
Anybody here in this HTF deal with or have dealt with Red Jacket ? I have an sks that has been hacked on and is not worth much I want it cut to 16 inches and threaded for a muzzle break...
Link Posted: 8/4/2011 6:26:10 PM EDT
Anybody here in this HTF deal with or have dealt with Red Jacket ? I have an sks that has been hacked on and is not worth much I want it cut to 16 inches and threaded for a muzzle break...

I havent dealt with them, but wouldnt a local gunsmith be a lot better for this sort of thing than Red Jacket. They seem like they have gotten a little to big for their britches due to the show. Also seems like this would be small fry to them now.

What you are asking is very basic. Or do you just want to have something that Red Jacket worked on? If that be the case seems like it doesnt really matter what others feel, if thats what you want to brag about just do it.

Link Posted: 8/4/2011 6:49:03 PM EDT
They can turn in that old sks into a 1,000_yard sniper.    LOL

But in all seriousness, there have been some threads in GD about them.
I think it was RustedAce that has had some dealing with them in the past. Ask him what the thinks about them.

Link Posted: 8/4/2011 7:45:26 PM EDT
I bet you could find someone just as good or better in GA. Or send it to somebody who doesn't think that "this could be huge".
Link Posted: 8/4/2011 8:31:23 PM EDT
red jackets = overrated hype.  maybe at one time they were good but now that they are on t.v. they have seriously gone into tard mode.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 6:47:51 AM EDT
A good friend dealt with them once.  He will nto be doing so again, and I never will.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 7:11:19 AM EDT
Ive got a  4" cutoff grinder, dies and krylon, you'll get the same quality of work I can even overcharge you too
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 7:53:41 AM EDT
ok thanks anyway...Nobody here in georgia want to touch it
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:10:19 AM EDT
Look up Liberty Suppressors in Trenton, Ga. I bet he would do it for you and he does great work to boot.
Link Posted: 8/6/2011 10:02:52 AM EDT
red jackets = overrated hype.  maybe at one time they were good but now that they are on t.v. they have seriously gone into tard mode.

^this.  I wouldn't waste my time!  Plenty of other top notch smiths in surrounding areas.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 1:40:49 AM EDT
I would not let these guys change the spark plug on my Snapper rider.  This is a true story, I saw it with my own eyes: A bunch of guys at work got together for a group buy for a "RJF" modified Siaga shotgun group buy, I was at the range with them and 75% of them jammed, would not cycle...no joke...needless to say they were not happy after dropping $1000 a piece for them.

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 9:59:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 11:32:33 AM EDT
I would never spend $1.00 with those goofballs. They have no machining skills whatsoever.  It's like they just slap a bunch of stuff together and hope that it works.  

Did anyone see that lunchbox/briefcase sub gun they built?  Probably the worst thing I have ever seen come out of a "machine shop".  The only cool thing they have done is shoot that big brass canon.

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 5:55:17 PM EDT
I'm interested in anyone that has experience with them... I'm about ready to pull the trigger on an AK style 12 gauge shotgun (RTS-12CG).

LINK:   http://www.redjacketfirearms.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&category_id=2&product_id=26&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=3

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 7:20:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 10:42:43 AM EDT
If you're wanting to build a smooth running AK type 12 gauge check out Tromix in Broken Arrow, OK. I shot one of their 8" (Yes, that is a 8 inch barrel!) Saiga 12 gauge guns a couple of years ago and it ran great. 5 poppers in 1.9 seconds and it wasn't even my gun.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:40:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 6:06:17 AM EDT
Anybody here in this HTF deal with or have dealt with Red Jacket ? I have an sks that has been hacked on and is not worth much I want it cut to 16 inches and threaded for a muzzle break...

I have dealt with them on several occasions, and they do good work, BUT now that they have the show and national exposure, I would not recommend them for something as minor as cutting and crowning a barrel.  It is possible to do the job yourself with hand tools and achieve good results, but if you arn't mechanically inclined, I'm sure there are people closer to home that could do the job quicker and cheaper than Red Jacket.

ETA: It's not that hard to do it yourself.
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