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Posted: 10/1/2005 7:03:07 AM EDT
I've never heard of the RK Gun Show before. It's at Heritage Hall Oct 9th and 10th. How would this show compare to National Gun Day?
Link Posted: 10/2/2005 6:07:35 PM EDT
usually small, sometimes worth it sometimes not of course. Much smaller than Gun day..no more than 1/5  the size of the gun tables (not the military tables at gun day)  maybe even smaller than 1/5th.   however, this is based on response to my last attendance at one of their shows...it could change.  

I go in hopes that JT distributing or a couple other local guys will be there and I can pick up a few things from them.  I always try and get there on sunday mornings  due to my schedule but interested in meeting up with any arfcommers anytime I can.

Link Posted: 10/3/2005 5:34:15 AM EDT
Thanks CbtEngr1.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 6:21:34 PM EDT
The sign on Paris Pike said it was the 8th and 9th sat and sun.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 6:58:04 PM EDT
Oops, yeah, I must have had my dates wrong.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 6:27:19 AM EDT
that show was worthless in my opinion.  I found a couple knives and some ammo that i needed.  everything else was ridiculous  JMO
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:37:46 AM EDT

that show was worthless in my opinion.  I found a couple knives and some ammo that i needed.  everything else was ridiculous  JMO

Yeah, that show sucked. Everything was over priced. I did find a guy selling a complete RRA lower, used, for $280. I told him I could get that brand new for $235, kindof pissed him of.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 2:34:04 PM EDT
I don't think that's the regular show at Heritage Hall is it?  I went, and did ok, but traded mostly with individuals.  Got a good price on a G17 at one table, but only because of trades.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 3:27:02 PM EDT
The other show is some time in November. I don't remember the dates but it is the one that has the Military show in Louisville I think. I got a few small things (small punch set, reloading manual on CD), but I didn't find much in the way of gun deals. I even got into a short and non heated debate over the price of a Bushmaster M4 with a guy. He told me that he had the best possible price even over a store. I told him that I saw one at Antique and Modern, of all places, that was $50  cheaper than his prices. For the most part it was a waste.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 4:37:44 PM EDT
I think that the gunshows anymore are just a joke,not even worth the price of the parking.IMHO!
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:01:41 PM EDT
I went to this one today. Found out its a new promoter come to town..from IOWA.
Jeez, do we not have 4-5 promoters already in this place. At least there were some different dealers in this show (I was thinking it was one of the other small promoters shows but it wasn't, however, it was the same size).  Apparently this guy had cheap table rent which explains all the fleamarket crap that was there (chinese tools, airsoft, jewelry, artwork for pete's sake).  Luckily parking was cheap and a cool guy in front of me in line to get in had printed off some $1 off tickets for admission so I only paid $5 to get in. Beats the heck out of $10 and $5 parking in Louisville.

There were some deals to be had if you looked hard, unfortunately I had money but not much time.
one new militaria dealer there had some cool stuff (picked up a poly hood and some rope and military para cord pretty cheap).  Walked away with something I had been thinking about getting for a while...
a Schmidt Rubin Swiss straight pull rifle.  Got it for $100 (guy had 125 on it).  Got offered a 44 russian carbine for $35 but needed a couple small parts (nothing bad).  Didnt want to fool with ordering them.

coulda had some other good gun deals if I had the time to dicker but the AR stuff (especially guns) was not that great. I woulda bought a RRA lower from that guy if he hadn't priced them at 139...but another guy had the carbon fiber lowers for $89 and forged lowers for 110.

Was just glad to see some different people there rather than the old smokey dealers.

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