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Posted: 7/3/2010 12:19:13 PM EDT
Hey all,

The Appleseed Project will be hosting two July marksmanship clinics in July.  

Here are upcoming Appleseeds in South Dakota.

Aberdeen, SD - Jul 17-18Informaiton or Register
Sioux Falls, SD - Jul 24-25Information or Register

The Appleseed Program is designed to take you from simply being a rifle owner to being a true Rifleman. All throughout American history, the Rifleman has been defined as a marksman capable of hitting targets from 500 yards away! This 500-yard range is traditionally known as “the rifleman’s quarter mile;” a rifleman can hit just about any target they can see.

Appleseed instruction uses reduced size, 500-yard targets scaled down for 25 meters. Think it’s easy? Think again. With the “Six steps to firing the shot,” we can show you how to put ten rounds through a 1-inch square at that distance using iron sights. Scopes are allowed, but this is not bench shooting! All targets are shot from the traditional positions: standing, sitting or kneeling and prone.

On top of all that, hear some little-known Revolutionary War history and reconnect with that heritage. Become a more influential citizen and make America a better place.


I'll keep this list updated as more dates are scheduled.  Hope to see some of you there!

[email protected]

Link Posted: 7/4/2010 7:07:54 AM EDT
Any chance of getting one of these set up for around the hills (western SD)?  I've wanted to hit one of these for years, but the proximity thing and my schedule always seem to be in conflict.  If you could make it happen, I'd help with promoting it.
Link Posted: 7/4/2010 11:25:22 AM EDT
Same here.  Always wanted to attend one of these, but time and distance have conspired against me.
Link Posted: 7/4/2010 1:10:25 PM EDT
Went through a reorganization at work... new job title and stuff.  I may be able to swing it with my new responsibilities.  I would have to order a few more mags for my cz-513... or just buy a 10/22 and be done with it.
Link Posted: 7/4/2010 6:49:33 PM EDT
I went to one here last year, its down by Pringle. Well worth going to! If anyone is interested the APPLESEED group has a forum with a SD  area that has all the info. Or you can email me and Ill be happy to put you in touch with the people running it.
Link Posted: 7/11/2010 5:19:28 AM EDT
will they be doing any actual longer range shooting or will it all be at 25yds?
Link Posted: 7/11/2010 5:48:48 AM EDT
I went to one here last year, its down by Pringle. Well worth going to! If anyone is interested the APPLESEED group has a forum with a SD  area that has all the info. Or you can email me and Ill be happy to put you in touch with the people running it.

I'll check it out...thanks buddy!
Link Posted: 7/11/2010 5:49:19 AM EDT
will they be doing any actual longer range shooting or will it all be at 25yds?

Aim small, miss small.
Link Posted: 7/11/2010 8:24:26 PM EDT
I went to one here last year, its down by Pringle. Well worth going to! If anyone is interested the APPLESEED group has a forum with a SD  area that has all the info. Or you can email me and Ill be happy to put you in touch with the people running it.

I'll check it out...thanks buddy!

Hell Ill go with you if you wanna go, its a good time. The guy who holds it will be at the Fun Gun Shoot this year. He does some of the gun shows with us as well, lots of MAGPUL stuff on his table ...

For any one whos never been to a Appleseed you really should go, its a great experance and odds are you will learn something even though the distance is 25 yard you have a good chance to work the base skills of a marksman, I know I shoot better because of it.  You learn some cool history as well as shooting related things such as the" rifles man cadance" and a few tips and tricks to making that 500 yard shot.

Link Posted: 7/12/2010 2:36:20 AM EDT
It looks like there's one in Osage at the beginning of August.  I'd probably go for a Saturday, though I'd like to go both days.  I need Sunday to unwind from the week.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 9:38:31 AM EDT
We've had some in the past. One on a ranch out by Custer, another in Spearfish.  I'll see if we can't get another going for this fall.  I'll let you know.  We need help promoting!  SD doesn't have enough boots on the ground who are on board with Appleseed.... yet.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:17:25 PM EDT
Just signed myself and 2 other buddies up for the appleseed in Sioux Falls. Looking forward to learning something.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:35:59 PM EDT
You will have a good time Im hoping to to hit another 1 this year.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:42:31 PM EDT
We've had some in the past. One on a ranch out by Custer, another in Spearfish.  I'll see if we can't get another going for this fall.  I'll let you know.  We need help promoting!  SD doesn't have enough boots on the ground who are on board with Appleseed.... yet.

Yes, let me know before I sign up for the Osage event.
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