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Posted: 4/12/2017 3:34:52 AM EDT
Hi all. So my wife wanted an AR pistol and we bought a lower locally and had the dealer do the purchase like a pistol and fill out the purchase permit form.

She dropped off her part of the form for the state at the Local LEO office.
This was last Saturday. We then proceeded to acquire the rest of the stuff she needed but have not assembled it yet.

Today the local LEO calls me and tells me that the form doesn't have enough info like caliber, how many rounds it holds, etc... She said they can't just do it as a frame and is sending us the form back and we have to take the gun to the county sheriff's office to get it done.

Michigan no longer requires us to present a firearm for inspection, so WTF?

Can we just take the paperwork back to the dealer to be amended instead of having to go across the county to the nearest office?

*I also posted this in general but figured better to put it here.
Link Posted: 4/12/2017 7:15:29 AM EDT
You should have filled out the rest of the form.

Just bring your firearm in if that's what they requested and get it over with.  It'll be settled right then and there.
Link Posted: 4/12/2017 3:01:54 PM EDT
A stripped lower is normally documented as "other" on the 4473. You don't do a RI-60 until it is built into a pistol with barrel length, etc. Dealer shouldn't have done that form if they weren't selling you a pistol.
Link Posted: 4/13/2017 4:14:53 AM EDT
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A stripped lower is normally documented as "other" on the 4473. You don't do a RI-60 until it is built into a pistol with barrel length, etc. Dealer shouldn't have done that form if they weren't selling you a pistol.
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So, how do we resolve this now?
Link Posted: 4/13/2017 6:37:23 AM EDT
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So, how do we resolve this now?
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A stripped lower is normally documented as "other" on the 4473. You don't do a RI-60 until it is built into a pistol with barrel length, etc. Dealer shouldn't have done that form if they weren't selling you a pistol.
So, how do we resolve this now?
I'd just build the pistol, and send in a completed RI-060, with you as both seller and buyer.
Link Posted: 4/13/2017 9:23:31 AM EDT
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I'd just build the pistol, and send in a completed RI-060, with you as both seller and buyer.
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A stripped lower is normally documented as "other" on the 4473. You don't do a RI-60 until it is built into a pistol with barrel length, etc. Dealer shouldn't have done that form if they weren't selling you a pistol.
So, how do we resolve this now?
I'd just build the pistol, and send in a completed RI-060, with you as both seller and buyer.
Link Posted: 4/13/2017 3:15:37 PM EDT
Topic already has been beaten to death with the dupe post in GD.
Link Posted: 4/14/2017 8:28:13 AM EDT
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A stripped lower is normally documented as "other" on the 4473. You don't do a RI-60 until it is built into a pistol with barrel length, etc. Dealer shouldn't have done that form if they weren't selling you a pistol.
So, how do we resolve this now?
I'd just build the pistol, and send in a completed RI-060, with you as both seller and buyer.
This. Dealer messed up. A stripped lower is transferred as an "Other". He should not have transferred as a pistol and filled out the RI-60. You must assemble the lower into a pistol first, then submit the RI-60 with all of the information filled out.
Link Posted: 4/15/2017 7:30:24 PM EDT
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This. Dealer messed up. A stripped lower is transferred as an "Other". He should not have transferred as a pistol and filled out the RI-60. You must assemble the lower into a pistol first, then submit the RI-60 with all of the information filled out.
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I had the dealer sell mine as a pistol. But i knew barrel length i wss going to use a head of time.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:43:42 AM EDT
They did the same with my AK receiver years ago.  It was clear I was talking to a data entry bureaucrat that had no hint of firearm knowledge so I just told him 7.62x39, 30 rounds and 16".  That made him happy.  I think they had a similar problem with my XCR because they wrote "multi" for caliber.  It's a pointless system that no one is going to check up on.  So tell them something that will complete their little box with an answer that doesn't cause an error in their system.  Don't lie, because lying isn't nice, but don't sweat the small stuff.  Years ago I renewed my DL and the lady asked me height, weight, eye color.  I said blue for eye color.  She looked at me and said "they look gray to me."  So my license now says gray.  Because my license says gray, I had to put gray on my CPL because they had to match according to some bureaucrat.  So now by at least 2 official documents, I have gray eyes.  Has anyone come by to make sure my eyes are gray?  Nope.  Good thing too, 'cuz I think 99% of people would say they're blue.
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