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Posted: 12/14/2010 5:37:45 AM EDT
I frequent Sharpshooters for my range needs weekly, so I bought a gold membership there.  Their prices are on the high side of things, and now that I have my trust set up, I have been eyeing that AAC M4-2000 they have instock.  They are selling it for $1130....which I feel is high because AAC lists MSRP as $1050 and I guess folks have gotten them for less than a grand.  Would it be disrespectful for me to ask them come down on price?  I don't want to piss the staff off at me because I'd like to continue going to the range there.   Has anyone tried to negotiate a lower price there before?  Are most gun shops around here basically take the stance that their prices are firm.

I'd like to give them some business but I don't wanna be overcharged either.

On another note, can anyone give me a recommendation for a good NOVA engraver?

much thanks!
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:09:22 AM EDT
Didn't aac stop including the mount with the suppressors? They might have it listed higher because they are bundling them. If not I'd say you are interested in it but that it is higher then the msrp. If they give you any grief tell tell them to pound stand and find another class 3 dealer. Hell even if you have to drive a ways. I'd bet you could find a small home based one or something that would sell it to you for under msrp.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:09:38 AM EDT
Reach out to EvilBert, if I recall he works at Sharpshooters and can help.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:17:07 AM EDT
I believe mine was $795 (from Doug at SSG) 3 or so years ago.  Don't know if they've gone up...

You are not insulting anybody by negotiating unless you are actually insulting.  Don't be a prick, and even if they refuse, all will be well.  After authenticating that it's the same exact model as other cheaper ones, I'd take the approach of telling them that you are not a low price shopper and would like to give them your business, but the price difference is too great in this case, and could they come down a bit.  They say 'yes', or 'no'...

Just be prepared to buy if they do come down.  Don't make them go through the effort and then pull back.  That could get you marked as a douche no matter how nice you are.  Be sure of your ability to buy (money and CLEO signature or Trust).
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:46:11 AM EDT
Virginia Arms has the M4-2000 Mod 08 in stock and I'm pretty sure that its $1050.00g
703-368-3949 their NFA specialists are Bernie, Brett and Robb.  Robb has the most trigger time with cans.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:08:41 AM EDT
anyone with engraver recommendations?
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 12:06:15 PM EDT
anyone with engraver recommendations?

Not in northern va. Guy I use is near kings dominion. Few others listed. If you search on here their are a few threads with recommendations from around va.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 12:38:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 2:43:31 PM EDT
People seem to be happy getting their NFA stuff engraved by Cassel engraving in Herndon
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:58:21 PM EDT
anyone with engraver recommendations?

Not in northern va. Guy I use is near kings dominion. Few others listed. If you search on here their are a few threads with recommendations from around va.

Who is the guy you use near KD?  I have AK receiver coming in that I need to get engraved so I can submit my Form 1 and then build my M92 side folder kit I've been sitting on for 3 years or so now.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 7:44:32 PM EDT
anyone with engraver recommendations?

Not in northern va. Guy I use is near kings dominion. Few others listed. If you search on here their are a few threads with recommendations from around va.

Who is the guy you use near KD?  I have AK receiver coming in that I need to get engraved so I can submit my Form 1 and then build my M92 side folder kit I've been sitting on for 3 years or so now.

Mike at tsc machine. Guy is an HK smith but did my ar-15.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 4:41:16 PM EDT
ccosby is correct. AAC prices no longer include the mount. Our price is the suppressor and mount. If you want the suppressor without mount the price would be lower.


PS, it never hurts to ask but our class III prices are pretty firm, not a lot of mark up there.
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