Presidential Election 2008 Pro-gunnersPresidential Election 2008
Pro-gunners -- Keep Your Powder Dry
by Tim Macy
Vice-Chairman and Political Director
The national media tends to "anoint" presidential contenders based on who has the most money in the bank, not on who is most "beloved" (read that as the least obnoxious) by the voters of America.
But history has proven the highest pile of money theory as a bad barometer of who will ultimately win.
Ronald Reagan did not have the most money when he first ran for Governor of California or President of the United States, yet he became Governor and President and a major figure in American history for his efforts.
Today, Hillary has the most money in the bank and is considered the front-runner on the Democrat ticket. John McCain, Rudy Guilianni and Mitt Romney all have money in the bank and they are the "big three" on the Republican side.
The problem for pro-gun voters is that every one of these candidates has proven to be anything but pro-gun in their voting habits and speech.
So... where do we go from here?
Simply put, we need to keep our powder dry, because this race is not over. There are a few announced candidates who are pro-gun. California Congressman Duncan Hunter is a strong supporter of the goals of Gun Owners of America.
Texas Congressman Ron Paul's pro-gun credentials are impeccable and he has been a leading proponent of rolling back the past 40 years of gun control.
Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas are also strong Second Amendment candidates.
These are good men, but have not built much momentum at this point. If any one of these does, we will have a presidential candidate to help with all our combined muscle from the pro-gun community.
There may be a solid pro-gunner to step up if none of the current pro-gunners gain momentum in the near future. Time will tell, and we will be there to help if a true pro-gun candidate shows he or she can and is building a solid campaign.
This Presidential contender information center on the GOA website will continue to give information on the pro-gun and anti-gun positions of all the candidates. We will even promote some pro-gunners who are not running who we think would make great Presidents.
Please keep checking on this site as we "fill in the blanks" on all candidates and potential candidates over the weeks and months ahead.