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Posted: 4/19/2007 5:22:31 PM EDT
Anybody have much luck with Pawn shops as far as finding good deals on guns in really nice shape? I was in one today in Greensboro on High Point Rd, Cash America I believe it was. They had alot of pure junk they were very proud of as well as several guns that were in rough shape priced as if they were brand new. Needless to say I didn't buy a thing in that dump.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 6:02:10 PM EDT
I saw a lil old lady walking into a pawn shop the other day.....the guy that worked there carrying several firearms that aparently came out of her vehicle.....nothing super nice...just a couple of shotguns and a 22.....but it chaps my a$$ to see stuff like that.
I know of several old ladies who had their husbands pass and when they take the guns to pawn shops they get raped without even knowing it.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 6:16:40 PM EDT
i always have good luck finding deals in pawn- shop's ive been able to find some deals on Smith&Wesson pistola's and  on mak-90's and other firarms but most of the shop's i go to my friends work at  

it helps to have a nitch
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:31:53 PM EDT
Amen to that brother, I know a pawn shop will rip you off if your not on your game. I see some good stuff way over priced and dealers that think you don't know any better.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 4:13:15 AM EDT
We have one locally that gets some decent stuff in.  Lots of H&R/NEF shotguns though.

Our best one got slammed last year for FFL violations.  Crazy thing was, the gun/ammo side of the shop catered to LEOs.   Huge discounts for badges and even the BLET classes. Gone now.

I figured out that I can usually come out on top for a straight up trades.  Just gotta find something that I'd actually shoot.

Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:52:05 AM EDT
You must be talking about WNC.

Best deal I got, in my opinion, was a Remington 870 12ga for $200 - never fired. Wasn't NIB, but I'll be damned if there was ever a live round in the chamber. Mint condition.

I'm rather frustrated with the lack of gun shops out here... mostly pawn shops really.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 11:05:09 AM EDT

You must be talking about WNC.

Best deal I got, in my opinion, was a Remington 870 12ga for $200 - never fired. Wasn't NIB, but I'll be damned if there was ever a live round in the chamber. Mint condition.

I'm rather frustrated with the lack of gun shops out here... mostly pawn shops really.

+1 on that.
The few around here rarely, if ever, have a good deal. Like another poster said, they price a worn-out hunk of metal like a NIB.  On occasion, I like to piss myself off and ask what they will take for an item and laugh at them when they tell me "The price is on the tag son."
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 2:17:44 PM EDT
There's only two gun shops that I'm aware of in Haywood County, one in Waynesville - and every time I go there he's out hunting or the shop is closed - and one in Canton, and the guys there were nice, but not very customer friendly.

ETA: The rest are pawn shops.

This gives me an idea for another thread though... hmmn.
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