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Posted: 6/16/2006 5:31:18 PM EDT
striker and u352 both know i am posted this.

i am going to let my mom right/type this to you and see what you guys can help out with.

Any thing you guys can do for us it be greatly appreciated.

we have tried all the usually routes and and  as it stands were out of options.

this is Joshua's Mom. Yes Josh tries so hard to help out but with him working full time its hard. I am now going on 24 months with battling the great Social Security System. I am not able do much any more with my disability's. There really is not much they can do for me, its arthritis, fibromyaligia, which yes there are natural meds that may help me but we just cant afford them. I also have a wacky thyroid, depression, anxiety attacks. I really just play a few games on the computer but spend most of my day in bed . I have or had a wheel chair which at least Josh could get me out but that wont passed on .I have a hard time standing for any length of time.I sleep when I can , since with this pain I hurt too much.I have no health insurance so I just basically live in chronic pain.


My doctor has told me an signed the paper work that I am 100 percent disabled. Like she said if I had health insurance which they keep refusing and I will refile in 30 days again for medicaid. She could send me to the right doctors and for physical therapy, and also more meds then the free clinic  I go too. When I am really bad like I have been the last few days if we have money I go to the emergency room since we are broke I am just staying in bed. I got up long enough to say thank you first for any thing you alls may be able to help me with and then once I'm done I am back to bed.

I will send you a few sites that will show you what I have and how much it can affect my every day life. I am also now having so much trouble using a regular keyboard and yes they do make them for arhtriits in the hands. But once again we just don't have the money.
Ok now for some of the things that would really make my life easier and also let Joshua feel better about leaving me home alone when he is at work.

ok these below our some ideas that will give you alls an idea on what I am looking for that willease my life a bit. I live in chronic pain, cant bend, have swollen fingers and toes, Josh has to usually put my shoes on for me when I can fit into them..

UPDATE 6/28-1. ok a freind of mine that lives near me had a wheel chair but it needs 2 new front wheels which runs some where between 50 to 100 dollars.

it would be easier for the money to be donated to this because we have a place in town that will do the work on it. it is a medical supply place

2. Shower chair, with back rest. ty u352.
3.Cixelsyd ty so very much. UPDATED IT CAME IN THIS AFTERNOON. 6/28

4, Walker one I can sit, so when I'm out and need to sit in a hurry like I do , this would really help out.www.allegromedical.com/products/shop-by-category/walkers-canes-crutches/4-and-3-wheeled-walkers/sunrise-medical/191941.html

5. Misc. Stuff that would help me in every day use,

Any of these products would help me with the pain I have every day with having fibromyalgia, .

8.I also have some past due bills that we are not sure how to pay, one is the rent, that we owe in back payment , roughly for back bills its around $600.00

9.also if you have any old movies that you dont watch anymore and want to donate them to my mom since she spends most of her time in bed.would help to.

Thank you very much for any thing you all may help me out with.

If any one wants more info please im Josh and he will reply. Also if any one needs to talk to Josh or me.

He can im you our phone number and also address.

Again Thank YOU.
Nancy and josh.

Link Posted: 6/17/2006 11:49:30 AM EDT
you guys can also email if you got any questions.
Link Posted: 6/17/2006 2:07:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2006 3:00:33 PM EDT

I might have a line on a shower chair.

cool just let me know when you find out..ty
Link Posted: 6/17/2006 3:12:34 PM EDT
I'll get #3.  IM or email me your shipping info and I'll place the order on Monday.

Link Posted: 6/17/2006 3:30:35 PM EDT
Cixelsyd i sent you and im. and ty so very much.
Link Posted: 6/18/2006 12:04:03 PM EDT
3.Toilet brace, I have trouble getting up off the toilet .

I have one that fits over the toilet . I was going to use it for a camp toilet but I can donate it to a good cause. I live in High Point but im at the beach right now and wont be back till next Sunday . Maybe crazyhorse705 and I can meet up next week some time.
Link Posted: 6/18/2006 12:37:16 PM EDT

3.Toilet brace, I have trouble getting up off the toilet .

I have one that fits over the toilet . I was going to use it for a camp toilet but I can donate it to a good cause. I live in High Point but im at the beach right now and wont be back till next Sunday . Maybe crazyhorse705 and I can meet up next week some time.

sent you an im let me know if that would work out. since i dont drive.
Link Posted: 6/19/2006 2:58:27 AM EDT
if any one needs to email me. it is [email protected]
Link Posted: 6/20/2006 10:39:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2006 10:40:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2006 10:47:24 AM EDT
Hi again, this is Joshua's Mom,
I really appreciate the replys we have had so far, I know its alot to ask for any one to help a stranger.
I have been on bed rest since last Wednesday. I had to go see the dr yesterday adn now my left arm is inflamed and they feel its some form of arthritis. I have to go for blood work to start the long road of ruling things out.
We are trying to live on what my son makes which is about 700.00 a month with me having no health insurance it hurts when I have to go see a dr or get my meds. I go to a clinic but they still want money.
I really feel my shuolder is from the last fall I took, having no walker or wheel chair is dangerous for me. Josh is gone all day at work and I am alone so if i fall thats it. I crawl over and get my self up.
So please reread the list it doesnt have to be any thing fancy, expensive, to help some one out like me.
If you have ever had to live in constant pain for more then a day this is how I live 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
If it would help we do have a store in our town that does health care items and yes they do deliver. If this would be easier and lesss expensive then please im or email my son Josh.
I do appreciate th ehelp we have had so far.

If any one that is near Sanford NC, you guys or gals can stop by my house to varify how I bad I really am, I know that alot of folks are dishonest to get charity but honest I am not one of them.
I am one of those who worked her butt off to 2002, supported my son alone and worked. To my health went south or north. So please call and say hey I want to come by.
Thank you.
Link Posted: 6/22/2006 2:34:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/22/2006 1:47:09 PM EDT



IM inbound.
Link Posted: 6/25/2006 9:41:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/28/2006 3:09:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/28/2006 4:38:25 AM EDT
FINALLY got a UPS tracking number from the company.  They were kind of slow about the whole order.

Anyway, it's showing delivery sometime today.

Link Posted: 6/28/2006 10:03:23 AM EDT

FINALLY got a UPS tracking number from the company.  They were kind of slow about the whole order.

Anyway, it's showing delivery sometime today.


ok i will be on the look out for it. ty for the update on that.

when its shows up i will either im you or post here.
Link Posted: 6/28/2006 11:03:49 AM EDT


FINALLY got a UPS tracking number from the company.  They were kind of slow about the whole order.

Anyway, it's showing delivery sometime today.


ok i will be on the look out for it. ty for the update on that.

when its shows up i will either im you or post here.

it has come in and my mom says ty very much soon as i had put it on the toilet she went ahead and used it. says it works very very well.

and because it is so close to the bathtub it will also help her get out of the tub.
Link Posted: 6/30/2006 11:35:56 AM EDT
u352 ty for the shower chair.

ok guys i need to see if you can help with the phone bill its mom only way of getting in touch with me or some else if she falls i  owe 155.00 to it.

and i dont get paid till the 12th of this mont.
Link Posted: 7/1/2006 3:27:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/5/2006 9:40:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2006 8:59:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/7/2006 1:08:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2006 3:46:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/24/2006 4:39:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 2:25:03 PM EDT
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