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Posted: 10/24/2006 5:33:59 AM EDT

Conceal-carry: Three years later
By Jeff Haldiman
News Tribune

It's been three years since the concealed weapons law went on the books in Missouri and so far, Cole County authorities haven't seen any increase in crime.

As of Friday, 475 people had applied for a permit in Cole County, and none of those permits had been revoked.

“It think it's good that people have this right,” Cole County Sheriff Greg White said.

Still, White feels the number of permit holders doesn't reflect the number of people who carry concealed weapons in their vehicle, which is the biggest reason he feels people wanted the law on the books.

After the law was passed, places like Ammo Alley began getting calls about firearms training.

“Even though the numbers have dropped since the law first took effect, we still have people taking classes,” said owner Doug Alley. “We average about two a month.”

The eight-hour course is mostly attended by people in their mid-40s to early 50s, according to Alley, and 70 percent of the students are men.

“The vast majority just want it because they can,” he said, “not because they are threatened by anything.”

Prior to the law going into effect, White said, it was apparent that Missouri citizens were obtaining concealed carry permits via the Internet from several other states without meeting the training requirements or oversight from local law enforcement.

“The cost of the out-of-state CCW permits is as low as $20, and permit holders are totally unknown to law enforcement officers in Missouri,” White said. “This law allowed reciprocity for holders of permits from other states, thus they are legally entitled to carry concealed weapons in Missouri.”

The total fee to apply at the Cole County Sheriff's Department is $100.

“I would like to see more people take part,” Alley said. “Not because it would mean more business for me, but so the criminal element has the fear that people are packing. I think right now, only 2 percent of the citizens in Missouri conceal and carry.”
Link Posted: 10/25/2006 7:41:55 AM EDT
I can get a ccw from florida for 5 years for 100 dollars and it is good in all the states that have concealed carry.  The MO permit is for 3 years and our buddy Claire Mccattail to quote another post, wants it gone. In her eyes guns kill people.  
Please show me where my benefit is with regard to purchasing a permit in MO vs FL?

in St. Louis
Link Posted: 10/25/2006 12:19:42 PM EDT
I have a Fla and a Mo permit. I will be renewing my Fla. permit but I can't be sure about the Mo. permit.
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 1:45:05 PM EDT
How do I get a FL permit?
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 4:59:47 PM EDT
Go to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Licensing website, request an application package, if you meet their requirements/standards and submit/fill out the application package as required you will receive a concealed carry license.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 3:19:41 AM EDT
There is a contact number on the website too, called them and they mailed my packed right out.  
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 5:15:25 PM EDT
What about Utah? Good for 5 years,$59.00-renew by mail $10.00
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 5:35:49 PM EDT
I've looked into the MO, and Utah permits. Anyone think Florida is better than Utah or vise versa?
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:02:35 AM EDT
I chose a Florida permit instead of Mo because of many reasons. The main reason being the fact that my DD214 from my 8 years of Miitary service qualify me as meeting the training requirments. Also if I wanted I could have used 1 of the 5 Hunter Safety courses I have attended with my Wife, Children and of course myself . 1 for Montana and 1 for Missouri. I am all for continuous training and being safe always. I know for a certainty that I have attended and received more training than is required to become a Sherrif Deputy in my county, and I have not been forced to pay someone so I can carry concealed thanks to FL.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:17:11 AM EDT

I chose a Florida permit instead of Mo because of many reasons. The main reason being the fact that my DD214 from my 8 years of Miitary service qualify me as meeting the training requirments. Also if I wanted I could have used 1 of the 5 Hunter Safety courses I have attended with my Wife, Children and of course myself . 1 for Montana and 1 for Missouri. I am all for continuous training and being safe always. I know for a certainty that I have attended and received more training than is required to become a Sherrif Deputy in my county, and I have not been forced to pay someone so I can carry concealed thanks to FL.

I didn't see the DD214 on the list to qualify. Thanks for the info I'll be sending mine in.
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