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Posted: 12/15/2010 6:42:54 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:58:42 PM EDT
you beat me to the post.  what the hell do these people think they are accomplishing?  absolutely ridiculous.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:55:44 AM EDT
No point in buying a fishing license then. Kali is going to lose a lot of money to this. Prepare for another tax hike to cover the loss.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 11:40:32 AM EDT
I'm am not a fisherman, so tell me if I'm off base here.

These preserves or whatever are in open water. The fish are free to enter or leave them by doing what fish do, swimming. So isnt it all kind of pointless? Catching the same fish will be legal or illegal based on which side of an imaginary line they happen to be on?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 12:19:39 PM EDT
I'm am not a fisherman, so tell me if I'm off base here.

These preserves or whatever are in open water. The fish are free to enter or leave them by doing what fish do, swimming. So isnt it all kind of pointless? Catching the same fish will be legal or illegal based on which side of an imaginary line they happen to be on?

Yes, however, these "imaginary lines" will end up being the length of the coast. Obummer administration was/is trying to do something similar at the federal level. It would ban all fishing in the ocean AND 250 miles ,or so, up river. (I think it's further up stream than that, error on the side of caution)
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 2:04:58 PM EDT
Instead of an outright ban in certain areas, they could have had reduced seasons.

I'm still going lake fishing
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 2:18:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 9:35:56 AM EDT
The red zones are closed to beach access, diving, boating, etc; They have not defined the "No Take" areas as to what can or can't be taken. There is nothing stated about catch and release in these areas. I am not surprised at the outcome but I am very angry that it happened. This state sucks even worse now. Unfortunately my job within the fishing industry is located here. It is now the only thing keeping me in this worthless state.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 5:46:15 PM EDT
The red zones are closed to beach access, diving, boating, etc; They have not defined the "No Take" areas as to what can or can't be taken. There is nothing stated about catch and release in these areas. I am not surprised at the outcome but I am very angry that it happened. This state sucks even worse now. Unfortunately my job within the fishing industry is located here. It is now the only thing keeping me in this worthless state.

My negative equity in my house is what's keeping me here.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 4:55:16 AM EDT

  Though I am not a avid fisherman this is a bad move by the fish and game.  Southern CA is known for it's charter fishing.

  Not only CA is choke full of liberal politician, well most, it also has it's share of "environmental nazis"
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