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Posted: 11/30/2014 2:10:28 AM EDT
I'm an NRA pistol instructor and do concealed carry classes. I do long range shooting as a hobby and currently my furthest consistent hit is 900 yards with a 556 shooting 75 hornady bthp. So I've come to you for advice because I've never taught an intro to long range class. I've done intro to handguns and then into more advanced techniques but never taught a rifle class. Here's what I'm thinking. In the setup stage, actually check the students rifle for proper ring torque and level reticle.

How long do I make it? I'm thinking 2 day
How far to engage targets? I'm thinking 700 yards
Round count? 125 match grade

Topics to cover:
Equipment selection and setup (rifles/scopes/gear/ammo)
How to use scope to help you not hinder you (mil /moa , sfp vs FFP , mil/mil, parallax and how it works)
Use of peripheral equip such as wind meter and ballistics calc
Different shooting positions and fundamentals
Gathering DOPE and keeping a data book
Basics behind atmosphere and how that can effect your DOPE
Zero your rifle
Measuring bullet velocity to begin your ballistics chart
Using knowledge gained to engage targets at distance.

Anything to add or take away? What would be a fair cost? Mind you I'm not former SEAL Ranger Green Beret DELTA I'm just a redneck Bbq restaurant guy that's great with people and has found a way to turn a hobby into a way to cover ammo costs. I'm 50% self taught and have no credentials other than pistol instructor. Thoughts?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 1:17:27 PM EDT
Seems every course or instructor I've ever researched has a general  way of doing the long range shooting class. They do it in levels.

Level 1 - a lot of class room. Learning basics of shooting a rifle properly, weapons checks, weapon set up etc. Some of them don't even do any shooting on level one. Some so but it's never too far. 500 would be the maximum distance. They also teach how to estimate distances in this class. Also in this class you might teach proper note taking techniques along with how to build a range card n

Level 2 - this level gets minimal class time, basically just enough classroom time to go over the course, safety, and a few concepts. Then most of it is range time. Shooting out to 750 or so with unknown distances, different shooting positions, using a range card etc. You could stretch your range as far as you wanted during this level.

Level three and up. Some courses offer advanced classes all the way up to extreme levels. I researched one with 10 advertised levels with the caveat of there being more than 10 if you ask about them. The higher levels taught low light, 1000 yard non supported shooting techniques, more sniper related than just long range shooting.

There are a bunch or "sniper" schools out there with their course structure online. Take a look at those for sure and see what the consistent methods are.
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