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Posted: 4/29/2003 11:06:53 AM EDT
OK, looking for a good outdoor range with the following criteria:

1) Allows you to shoot on the move and from the holster

2) Less than an hour from north Dallas

3) Has a rifle range to at least 300 yds

4) Allows use of FMJ in both rifle and pistol

5) No restrictions on rate of fire

6) Allows me to bring the occasional guest as long as I am responsible for them (willing to pay extra for this)

7) Open weekends

Nice to haves:

Range has its own frames and steel rifle gongs.
Open in the evenings occasionally

Anyone know of a range meeting all these criteria or am I just dreaming?
Link Posted: 4/29/2003 11:18:28 AM EDT

There are quite a few in the area. You may be familiar with them. But none of them meet all those criteria. The closest to all those criteria is probably Collin County Gun Range in McKinney. Their hours are somewhat limited to some BS pulled by the city of McKinney. Their rifle range is 100 yds. To shoot on the move/from holster you'll need to join Collin County IDPA

Link Posted: 4/29/2003 2:11:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2003 2:11:39 PM EDT
This one is in Ferris, south of I-20 and east of 75.  www.tdsa.net

 I'm a member there, it's $125 a year plus $25 a year if you want to use the falling plate targets that are soon to be installed.  There are 8 bays, many more soon.

Edited to add:  Oops, there is a 300 yard range.  They have several berms set up at different ranges for rifle.

Link Posted: 4/29/2003 2:22:02 PM EDT
Already a member of Collin County IDPA and CCGR (and you can shoot on the move/from the holster by getting Tac-bay certified there also).

I like Collin County a lot and support the Ryans when I can; but the tac bays are expensive (when you can get one) and the only rifle available is 100yds and only from one position (sitting at the bench).

I've considered the TDSA range. I thought they had 300yd rifle though - is that not the case? If not what is their max range?
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 7:31:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:47:33 AM EDT
 The falling plate rack is being installed as I write this.  The range is less than an hour from Plano/Allen.  Just straight down 75/45 past I-20, then ledt at the Malloy Bridge exit.

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