What is the loudest sound in the world? You got it, CLICK! I had a tree business for about 12 years, and my first partner decided that he liked crack. I split ways with him and got a new one, and then about a year later, he showed up at my house wanting to borrow tools. He was all cracked out and drunk, and I could see that this situation was not going to turn out very well! I had spent the weekend out at the lake, and was sunburnt and totaly wiped out, and the last thing that I wanted was for this asshole to come over and start shit. He new every move that I was going to make, and was like a shadow on me! I finally got a brake when he went to the door and called in his other two friends. I managed to bolt to the bedroom and got my gun, and when I turned around, he was standing in the doorway with a shovel! He pulled back to swing it, and thats when my ears exploded from the sound of "click!" I forgot to load it back up after we got back from the lake
He they left, the police showed up, and wanted to get him for just trespassing, (sound familier), Untill a couple of days later he took a shot at a Cop with a sawed off shotgun. then the charges got bumped up to attempted murder
he Somehow he got out, and before sentencing, he went to commiefornia, got into another chase with the law, and ran off a five story building braking his feet and legs up pretty good. I haven't heard from him since.