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Posted: 5/4/2004 6:08:19 AM EDT
I'm heading to the NRA range tomorrow night.  I should be there at about 7:00ish.  I've got a new SAR3/8 to shoot and will likely bring a FAL just so nobody thinks I'm being disloyal.

Anybody else?

Oh yeah... I'll be on the public side this time.  My girlfriend doesn't work at the NRA anymore so I don't have access to the test range.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:00:15 AM EDT
I'd come too but I'm shooting my first IDPA match at Shooters Paradise.  I'll be joining you also at the end of the month at Cavalier for IDPA.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:57:54 AM EDT
dump a few mags for me!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 5:28:31 PM EDT
So you guys are heading down to Cavalier at the end of the month? I'm planning on heading up there. It sounds like a good way to have a small ARFCOM gathering.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 6:16:29 PM EDT

So you guys are heading down to Cavalier at the end of the month? I'm planning on heading up there. It sounds like a good way to have a small ARFCOM gathering.

Don't laugh if I do badly    j/k.  My wife (9x19) is coming (for moral support) I'm trying to talk her into trying it IDPA.  We're both shooting the GSSF match in Waldorf in about a week and a half.  I'm trying my G21 tomorrow for IDPA.  I shoot it a little better quickly but I shoot my G32 a little more accurately just slower.  I may use the G32 at Cavalier after a little more practice with it.  I just bought in on Friday.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:29:37 PM EDT
Not to hijack Cliffy's post, and man, I'd love to go shooting with you tomorrow but I'll be working at the shop until 8pm, so no joy, but; gotM4, let 9x19 know that there will be other women shooting the IDPA match at Cavalier, we usually have at least one other woman (she shoots a Springfield 1911 in 9mm), but usually more than a couple.

I'll see you guys there, it should be great and we've got a shotgun side match brewing too.

Cliffy, I keep thinking about getting another of Herr Doktor Vorgrimmler's devices (G3 deriviative) but I've had 4 of those things already and I keep trying to remind myself why I don't need another.

Sigh........they're still way cool, although just remmeber FAL's are better rifles and the only reason the Germans went with the G3 is that the Belgians were still ticked off about being invaded twice in 50 years.
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