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Posted: 1/19/2013 3:16:45 PM EDT
Hello everybody,
Given that the Republicans control the state now what are the chances of hunting with a short barreled rifle or a silencer being legalized this year? I have a lifetime hunting license in the state of North Carolina but I do not live there anymore. Therefore, I do not have a representative. For those of you more familiar with the legislative makeup who do you think I should contact with this question? GRNC? A friendly legislator?
Link Posted: 1/19/2013 3:23:19 PM EDT
GRNC would be a good start.
I currently dont know of any legislators that know a lot about the NFA.

I Tried to educate my local rep. but about the time I started to really get through to him He choosed not to run again, so my efforts kinda went out the window.

Link Posted: 1/20/2013 5:53:16 AM EDT
Hello everybody,
Given that the Republicans control the state now what are the chances of hunting with a short barreled rifle or a silencer being legalized this year? I have a lifetime hunting license in the state of North Carolina but I do not live there anymore. Therefore, I do not have a representative. For those of you more familiar with the legislative makeup who do you think I should contact with this question? GRNC? A friendly legislator?

probably Tim Moffit, He's a rep for the Asheville area, but he's been pushing a lot of other conservative issues.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 4:54:20 PM EDT
Hello everybody,
Given that the Republicans control the state now what are the chances of hunting with a short barreled rifle or a silencer being legalized this year? I have a lifetime hunting license in the state of North Carolina but I do not live there anymore. Therefore, I do not have a representative. For those of you more familiar with the legislative makeup who do you think I should contact with this question? GRNC? A friendly legislator?

probably Tim Moffit, He's a rep for the Asheville area, but he's been pushing a lot of other conservative issues.

As it turns out I used to live in his district! I'll see what he says.

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